Hot town, summer in the city
Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty
Been down, isn't it a pity
Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city
All around people looking half dead
Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head
from song Summer in the City-Lovin' Spoonful version
We have had a heat wave. We have broken some records. I always say if we are going to be extreme in our temperatures, let's go for the record. Central Park- 103 on Tuesday, July 6 and Central Park 100- Wednesday July 7. I go by CP and newbie Kevin Grogan.
Heat waves change routines because electricity fails and causes disruptions in our travel, our leisure, our comfort our cooking. our sleeping and on and on.
On Wednesday, I headed out for a day of retirement multitasking. My first stop to be Twin Parks Health Club, Floral Park. On the way, I encountered a roadblock of police at Lakeville Road and Jericho Turnpike.
I realized lights were out and the police were directing traffic. I had time.
No problem. I had an hour and a half allotted for the gym. Later was to attend a book discussion at the Hillside Library at 1 pm.
When I pulled in to the health club parking lot, I was approached by a concerned man who informed me that the gym had a brownout. No AC, and all the machines that needed electricity were dead. I thought and said, "Well, I use the row machine" and he added, "You can use the weights also." I said, "I'll give it a try." He expressed surprise that people were inside at all as he described the inside as stifling. I climbed the stairs and the temperature increased with each step. When I arrived at the entrance on the upper level the desk person informed me of what the outside man had already said. I told him I would give my workout a shot. I saw a few of my gym buddies and they were very flushed, had sweat clinging to their eyelashes (good use of eyelashes) and grim expressions. The health club might occupy the space of an old warehouse as all the windows are along the ceiling perimeter and must be opened with a long stick like tool. Little air and light were coming down to the exercise floor, must be nice way up there. I headed to the rowing machine. An eerie lack of familiar sounds on the exercise floor- No TVs, no music, no whirring of fans or treadmills;
After a 20 minute row segment I was done. I was drenched and offended by the unwelcome singing, and happy to wend my way to the weights. But no, say it ain't so! Singing man is done with the StairMaster and the caterwauling continues as he joins me in the weight lifting area. His noises accompanied now by the cranking of each weight machine. This is cruel. I have heard of hot yoga and sweating out the poisons but I know they have soothing music. I am having a sort of hot yoga with inhuman Ipod noises. I did the weights in 20 minutes with a group that never made eye contact, including Ipodman. Contrary to the usual camaraderie that evolves from a shared calamity, this group of exercisers were like crazed madmen lifting, banging , groaning at each machine. After I had used every non-electrical item in the gym, I noticed I needed to get ready to make my next appointment, my book club discussion.
I needed to change my clothes to my book club discussion outfit. But where? The ladies' dressing room was darker than a cave at night. I have to get out of these sweat-soaked gym clothes. I first consider the kiddie playroom, but fear they might lock me in. Another choice was leaving the gym and changing at the Hillside Library bathroom. No, at the library I have a non-sweaty persona and want to keep it that way.
I eye this machine called the Stimulite. This machine had been purchased and setup with much fanfare several months ago. It was so sacred that it had its own cubicle, set off from all the other machines
The instructions promised that the lights stimulate your body to burn extra calories so that you could get the same exercise benefits in 10 minutes from its lights that you could in 20 minutes from any other machines. The lights would lazer into you and speed up your metabolism. At first there was a sign up list. Then a 2 dollar charge, then dropped to 1 dollar, no takers.
Now, no sign up sheet, no users. Well, I would use it today. My new dressing room. And so it served me well. I changed in privacy and had my shirt on straight and my pants facing the right way which never would have happened in the pitch black dressing room.
As I emerged the desk man waved and said, "We are closing, everyone must leave." On the way out, I mentioned I changed in the Stimulite cubicle. I was praised for my resourcefulness as well as for not passing out in the heat of the day. Oh, and I was not charged for using the Stimulite cube.
Liam wants to show how he keeps in shape. He did not come to the gym. He does a series of stretching exercises
No need to leave home, use the backyard facilities
Liam wants all our readers to know that LiamLicks was written in an upstairs unairconditioned room. AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Woof, Woof
We just got back from Greece and surprisingly it was much hotter here than there. The best thing for a hot summer day: a movie in a freezing theater.
Hi Izzy,
ReplyDeleteI saw your FB photos. I found the contrast between the new (you and Renee) and the ancient buildings in the background so inspiring.
Also the best place on a 103 degree day is the movie theater. Not the beach, not the gym, not the park. You are so right. Good to have you back and thanks for commenting.