Sunday, October 11, 2020

Pandemic Paunch


Liam has been called a big boy. He is hoping this characterization refers to his age. He attained 13 years of age on August 1. He noted folks look at his body when saying it and not into his eyes as is appropriate when expressing a greeting. See how Liam he is looking at you in the above photo; he thinks you should be looking into his eyes not at his body.

Background of the Big Boy Comments

We were locked down Monday, March 16, 2020 here in New York..

There was comfort eating

Pounds piled on 

Pandemic paunch became a thing

Articles proliferated.

Did it come to you? To those living at home with you? 

here is a link talking of it

We might have it here 

There are three of us in our home

one of us lost weight

I speak of it in 

my last blog story


or read fresh


one of us maintained his weight

there are two boys in the following photo

 Paul eating a raspberry Costco cookie unexpectedly appearing on the porch

gifted  to us by a generous friend 

Liam focused on it


 and we don't know about the third

our first born son Liam 


Pandemic Li collaged in a photos series to the right  



Liam enjoys the food and drink

 we call  Covid Comforts

not his fault 

We provide it 

kinda projecting what we wanted for ourselves onto an always food obsessed Liam




We also have in our minds that Liam is 13...doesn't he deserve a break? 

 we eased up on our restrictions  

His behavior also evolved over the last 7 Covid months

Liam became an older dog 

at times had trouble with his back legs

one day they became totally paralyzed 

we put him on the miracle drug Dasuquin 

 now he is often a puppy leaper again

he gets one daily

Does Liam sense urgency in living each day?

 Covid Comforts Collage on the right  clockwise, sorta

I place his kibble in his bowl, chop a slice or two of American cheese over the top and sprinkle with canned Parmesan. I mix it with my hands. I do enjoy the hand mixing as I smell like cheese at the end of the procedure next 

My Starbucks grande pumpkin cream cold brew 

Lamb lollipops Liam gets to chew the meat off the bone while I  hold ...

back to my Pumpkin Cold Brew Liam gets all the cream... note how the tongue makes it to the bottom of the grande cup

Center...Starbucks butter croissant Paul and Liam share one every Saturday; it is saturated in butter


in the following stitched photo series Liam comments in each frame 

The rebuttals and reflections are his own and are expressed in text in each photo

tap or pinch each photo to enlarge to read his witticisms

Why don’t we weigh him and find out?

The Weighing is Paul's job 
Paul would get on the scale....then get off and pick up Liam and note their together weight and subtract 
Paul has not done the regular weigh in because of health issues
 he had a sigmoidectomy in July 
he does not want to stress his stitches, colon or internal organs

I will not do it
I am still an on and off eating disorder battler and the idea of  seeing my weight 45 pounds higher or more... even knowing it is part canine... would totally gobsmack me into a downward spiral of weight image horror
We know Liam was 42 pounds in February. I record it on the public wall calendar after each weigh in...we are thinking he may be 50
Why do they think I gained weight? Liam looks quizzically

Paul decides that's it
lets do it
the scale comes down
 Liam runs
and hides behind me

the scale terrifies him as much it does me
after much chasing and finally cornering Liam
Paul does the procedure
himself solo  
he and Liam
subtracts the first reading from the second
 and the result
is 42.5!

a half a pound! that's not pandemic paunch by the current definition

I guess BIG BOY is an affectionate greeting for a 13 year old
Not a weight related comment

woof woof