I do not have a car seat. Grandniece is three and a half (almost)
I have not picked her up before. Will I be allowed to take her?
Will Kiera go with me?
Where is the studio?
Is there parking?
My sister will lend me her car with a car-seat. It is fused into her car so I must take the car with the car-seat.
I do a preliminary test run to the dance studio.
There is street parking, Meters, need quarters. have them.
Driving an unfamiliar car
Toddler who may not want me
May not be released to me
Finding parking
Before the favor, I have two activities-the daily health club session and my weekly manicure/pedicure appointment.
Lavender Nail Salon for my weekly appointment. I transfer quarters to my pocket so that after the manicure I will not mess my lacquered nails by digging through my bag. I am done by 12:45PM. I stand and my quarters fall through my pocket and roll under couches and equipment. Packing my pockets with my handbag contents at the gym has caused the pocket material to give way, a hole to form and my quarters to escape. They are under the nail dryers and the couch. I lay on my stomach trying to reach one. Not retrievable without heavy lifting and several people helping. I leave with only one.
I drive to my sister's house, park, get in her car, keys are in the ignition. I notice there are 4 drive gears. Four! I pick #1. I drive down the block. This cannot be right-sounds like a jet plane. I pull over; call my sister, no answer. I start again. This time I pick #2, not better but I continue my drive. I arrive on the dance studio block and pull into a spot near the studio front door. The meter has 23 minutes-no quarter necessary-my only quarter saved. I am early. I look for clues as to how to drive this car. I find the booklet. Oh, D4 is the correct gear; I was only up to #2. I enter the studio at 1:41 to see a room full of unsmiling folks. What a grim group! I find the only remaining seat. I ask, "How do we know when they are ready?" A reply, "they will bring them out." Just then I hear from inside "Kiera, over here" I say "she's mine," no one looks up. I fear they think I am a kidnapper, so I take on their serious demeanor. and do not make eye contact. Do they all know each other? The teacher brings out the children calling out for their drivers, "anyone here for Amy? anyone here for ....? Then I see Kiera. "Come with me" I say.
Then someone calls after us- "Kiera may have brought a bag." Oh no, is that a test? They bring out a little suitcase. I grab it and we leave. As we are walking I here metal scrapping the concrete. Oh no. Kiera has on her dance shoes. They have metal plates on them. Riverdance in the street. Guess I was supposed to open that little suitcase and put on her street shoes before we left. I just want to get us in the car before anyone sees. Fastening the car seat belt is a challenge; at least she climbs into the seat.
I was told she would do the seat-belt herself. Not today, not with me.
We drive away. I am in the right gear. I have the right child.
She accepts me as her driver. It is done.
I put my only quarter in the meter for the next person "Pay It Forward" another mitzvah in the making.