Sunday, November 10, 2019

In the Heights

Liam took two weeks to come around. I got a lot of looks like this one on the left. He did not care that Mom was on her own Amazing Race in Europe and conquering her fears...well at least managing her fears; after two weeks home Liam snuggled back up...see right photo
15 days
one continent
4 countries
thousands of miles
the iconic closer
 of the Amazing Race

If you don't know what I am talking about or need a refresher, check out the prior blog story which lays it all out for you
I traveled to Europe 

and on my bucket list to handle, conquer, obliterate  

and here is a bit of an explanation

Causes of Acrophobia

A fear of heights may stem from our natural fear of falling and being injured. Dwelling on the pain that might be inflicted from a fall from a high place also could contribute to the development of acrophobia. It’s normal for people to have some reluctance about being in high places but for those with acrophobia, the fear is unrealistic and excessive. Acrophobia, like all phobias, appears to be a hyper-reaction of the normal fear response. Some experts believe that this may be a learned response to either a previous fall or to a parent’s nervous reaction to heights.

this sentence from above paragraph
It’s normal for people to have some reluctance about being in high places but for those with acrophobia, the fear is unrealistic and excessive 
Unrealistic and excessive, really?
to feel terror at the edge of the Grand Canyon
or climbing Diamond Head
or the top of the lighthouse in Bermuda

oh no
because if one falls
 death will surely happen

being on the edge of a cliff with no railing, going down stairs from heights with open views, swinging in rickety cable cars
these type of experiences set me off

Do you have it?
I don't have it full fear pf plane travel, of hanging my head over my cruise ship's room balcony drying my hair in every sea we sliced through, sitting up top on ferries and Ferris wheel rides
all okay

another read
to further expand and stretch your brain on acrophobia

the following three photos show the heights managed on the trip

first upper top deck of ship         Corfu top of mountain              Santorini the white village top

and Kefalonia...I kinda took a few steps as is recommended in the acrophobia treatment...feasted on the view...stayed away from others on the tour so as not to be jostled...then sat with back to the beach...I was able to sneak a glance and it was okay...Imagine the girl who could not climb Diamond Head is up here

I did them all with small steps
focusing on walking
looking ahead
the ultimate challenge would be Dubrovnik, Croatia  where I was to traverse and climb and cling to the City Walls at Kings Landing
Our Croatian guide, Darko, started us off with this quote
“Freedom is not to be sold for all the treasures of the world”
An old Dubrovnik motto

This tour is entitled Game of Thrones... not necessary to have watched to understand what happens here to me
 I thank my friends Carol Hohowski and Jim McGrath for doing this with me. They did not watch GoT yet generously signed up for the tour. As they say in the north “the lone wolf dies but the pack survives” and I did survive today because of my pack

As I climb to the top of the tower, I keep repeating GoT sayings for strength and comfort

What do you say to the god of death, Not Today”

“I drink and I know things” 
I know a lot 

“Dracarys”  dragonfire
Mother  of Dragons
explained in prior post

see link below

This was a supreme chilling sublime terror-filled magical experience of climbing and descending

bent the knee a few times
recovered and continued 

I channel Cersei when clueless tour members brush close to me...I hold up my hand to warn them away...I have the is mine to hug and use to steady one is getting between me and the castle wall...

Only one arm available as the other is holding in the earpiece for the audio tour. I am not losing my guide, Darko...this climb involves removing my hearing aid to hear our guide and thereby creating an oxymoronic situation...hearing aid helps me hear...removal lessens my acuity...insertion of hearing pod gives me the tour talk 
At a landing midway up, I announce I have acrophobia...directed at one particularly floppy space-hogging person...possibly she thinks it a disease...she hangs back ...she who wears heels on a tour of city walls...


And don’t get me started on the couples who have to hold hands walking up...thereby using all the horizontal space...Cersei comes out again. I glare...
I tell a fellow climber of my height fear, I am not sure if he understands English...He nods and seems sympathetic and I stay near him all the way...

I took this following photo by holding up my iPhone, eyes closed, 
Trusting in Apple technology
 my aim
honed in yoga class

did not fall once on the City Walls tour
Not over cobblestones
 uneven grates
craterous holes
 stairs with
too tiny steps for modern feet

I did it.
still half way up
thank you Carol for taking this shot

 there are episodes in GoT where Arya Stark is training as an assassin and is asked who she is repeatedly
her answer must be

a girl has no name
'A girl is no one. Being "no one" simply means that you no longer fear death. ... If a girl is truly no one, she has nothing to fear. That line earlier this season wasn't saying that "no one" could drink from the well without it causing harm'

when we gather at the bus depot to return to the ship, the man to whom I had whispered my fear...asked how I felt...he had understood...I reply "proud"
He then said "the girl has a name, conqueror of heights" 
 I am moved

photo on left
 climbed the tower on the upper right
where Cersei, Sansa, Joffrey, Jaime
Arya, Tyrion, Jon Snow and more
                                   hung out at various times                                              
I am pointing to my tattoo
and standing over Blackwater Bay 
feeling on top of the world

next episode
how the boys fared without me

woof, woof