Thursday, December 19, 2013

Guiding Eyes

When I entered the dog world in 2008 I also entered the world of dog donations. I am in the network of donations for many people causes. Don't know how the animal societies found me so quickly. Of course North Shore is one of my monthly donation recipients. Hey! They rescued Liam and his brother from Tennessee...a bad situation there. This past year the amount of requests has ballooned...seems I give to one and it doubles amount of requests. Last week I looked at all my calendars, labels, cards, blankets, totes and decided I have to limit my groups. I picked one organization-Guiding Eyes for the Blind. We use their calendar and I like their cards and labels also. And their approach at solicitation is gentle yet compelling. No written threats or maimed animal photos to guilt one into giving.
They train guide dogs for blind folks. This week I made an online donation and liked their FB page.
Here is their link

A few days after I choose them a story explodes. A blind man has fallen to the subway tracks with his dog. First details are sketchy. Then more news.They are both alive! Really? Run over by a train! I look at the guide dog's photo (he is in a You Tube below) and I see a Liam look alike. Liam is not a lab like this dog but Liam is black (legs a tad brownish in the sun) and he has grey hairs on his chin.
The man is Cecil Williams and his dog is Orlando. The dog jumped on the tracks after him. Would Liam?

Social media comes alive and together to help. Orlando is 11 and about to retire. Mr.Williams needs another dog and he also needs Orlando. Watch this short clip

I read further and find that Orlando was trained by and provided for Mr.Williams by Guiding Eyes for the Blind. Yay!  
Here is their story about Orlando and Mr. Williams.
I asked Paul did he think Liam would jump on the tracks after me since Liam follows me all around the house. "Yes, providing there is no snow or water on the tracks."  Then again, Liam will not venture down the basement stairs, would the subway drop be too steep? Yes, probably. Liam would bark and jump on the first responders. He will not be applying for Orlando's job.
His place at home watching, perching and barking and enjoying Christmas treats from his Aunt
We are honored to have this opportunity to promote Guiding Eyes for the Blind on LL.
Here is their FB link 
traffic jams, wintry precipand car crash pileups have dominated our news this week

And then we have this life affirming story to end our stories for this year, 2013

Peace, love and comfort to all our readers

We will see you next year...we thank you for reading and being involved with our stories and letting us share them with you. Liam sends his licks

Will return Thursday January 9th
Happy 2014
Woof, Woof

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Few of Liam's Unfavorite Things

Lots of talk about the Sound of Music play last week. Performed live here on Long Island, NY.  Haven't heard about it?  Here is a NY Times review.
I don't think it was one of the reviewer's favorite things. SNL spoofed the new version of the play and social media has been as alive as the hills with opinions.
This week Liam has had his share of unfavorite things. There are holiday changes inside. There is a tree, pillows, a blanket, the snowman squeaker toy, and Charlotte, the Christmas doll.
Liam's Unfavorite Things
A few...
numbered below
Liam has been through snow before. This week our first measurable snow fell and Liam gave it a swift perimeter run and then headed to the side gate indicating that he was over it. In honor of the Sound of Music we have prepared a video accompanied by sounds of holiday music.

Liam is not a snow dog. He takes it or leaves it. His run over, Liam is ready to come back in. No rolling, leaping, digging. No extra play.

2-Holiday Decorations
Cards, stockings. A lot more mail each day, which means a lot more opportunity for barking. Fed Ex, UPS, Mail Carrier come and go and all at different times of the day. Unfavorite things. Liam has been through Holiday season before. He knows the drill. It disrupts the daily routine. Liam perches looking for his doggie friends Wrigley, Twinkie and Piper. It seems this snowman follows him everywhere

                                  Even when resting in front of his fireplace, snowman is there

 3-Missing his playmates
Wednesday he saw his friend Wrigs on the corner and went crazy barking. I think I saw him. I told Liam "get dressed"
I throw on my cold weather gear which is a lot and harness Liam up, (no, he did not dress himself) and we run down the block, zigzagging by, over and through the icy patches. No Wrigley in sight...we were not quick enough or it was not him.
Back to an unfavorite thing, waiting and hoping and looking.

What to do?  Liam moves on from his unfavorite things by forgetting them. Dogs do that. Snowman joins him. He's got his friend. He rests his head on his "Liam" photo pillow and snuggles into a "dreaming" dog decorated blanket. Not so bad. Simply forgetting his unfavorite things...

He has a few latte licks, see video...There is always another latte to be licked, a dog to play with, the snow will melt...

We like the new version of the Sound of Music. It is fun, the flaws enhance the entertainment and there are some fine moments. If you have read this far. you might  have the "My favorite things" song in your head. Here it is, the Long Island version, Carrie and Audra

there are mentions of a dog bite and snow flakes...appropriate for the season and for the dog

Photo of Liam enjoying the sun shining in on the holiday tableau
Woof, Woof

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tree Treasures

Today is the last day of Chanukah and it is ebbing away as we write. Time to tell our Chanukah /Christmas story.  A 16 year collaboration. In 1997, our friends, Renée and Izzy Lewin, came to our home for a Holiday visit. They observe Chanukah and we put up a Christmas tree. The plan was to have a drink, a visit and then go out to dinner. They brought two ornaments which represented a part of their life at the time. Izzy had a gorgeous grey cat named Smoky. This napping kitty in a basket pays homage to Smoky's cozy life and the joy he brought to his family. Renée paired the kitten ornament with mice hugging Hershey kisses. Their
job was to emphasize the sweetness of the season. This first get together began a tradition.
Each year Renée continued her quest to decorate our tree with non-ornaments. She searched and came up with items that were meant for other uses or ones that no longer had a use like this porcelain purse. She gifted us with a piece of a chandeliera mini urn from Spaina flattened Stoli shot glass.Technically not ornaments. We call them tree treasures. I created a Pinterest board for reviewing and commenting so that we could keep a record of these gifts. I entitled it Tree Treasures to establish their separateness from traditional ornaments. Admittedly there are a few traditional ones such as the pickle. The pickle has such a quirky legend (told on the board) that it is worthy of inclusion. On the Pinterest board we have collaborated by commenting on each tree treasure.  A conversation about each from the perspective of Renée the giver/searcher and me the receiver/decorator.  Here is the link which will bring you to the board. Look at the tree treasures and see our history and relationship through the photos and comments

In 2008, Liam joined the gathering and his drink of choice is Starbucks latte licks
and his toy is a squeaker Snowman who has survived burial in the yard (note the dirt on his toy's tummy) and many mouthings. His squeaker remains inside for now.

Much to our surprise and delight this year's decorations were delivered early to guarantee their incorporation into our 2013 blog story. We have two- a miniature menorah and a mushroom brooch. The menorah is a family heirloom and we are honored to display it. The mushroom may be viewed on the Pinterest board. Our board has all the tree treasures.
Liam is represented several times. You will see a plush Liam shown herehanging from a key chain, a bolo bat toy for him and a canine charm jewelry. Take a look at the board for more. Pick one, a few or all and look and read. A visual and interactive journey. Will  keep updating our Pinterest board. Join us on Pinterest by following, commenting, repinning or viewing.
Woof, Woof

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Liam Writing Licks

Writers are urged to set aside time for writing. Makes sense. There has to be discipline and commitment. We work on LiamLicks all the time. A photo will present itself, a story forms around it. An event takes place and we share it. An encounter, a connection, a loss, a find. All possible threads for a blog story. The final push is always Thursday afternoon. A sacred time after Yoga class dedicated to our blog. The publication deadline is Thursday evening. At times, not often, other activities supersede our working afternoon. A one time class, lecture or seminar, a mandatory meeting, an immovable social event.
Today there is excitement at Yoga Class...we are photographed for our teacher's new website. Here is her page
Her daughter is a graphic designer and our photographer. She is positioned next to me for our session. I am honored and thrilled. A Leo never avoids a photo op. After class I head to the wine store with my environmentally
friendly bag, then to Starbucks. A bit of time online to catch up. Then time to go.

This week we have a library seminar. Offered one time this Thursday only. Announcement on the flyer Come and Meet  Mr. Frank Lazzaro, Former White House Holiday and State Dinner Decorator for Three Presidents  here is his link
Thanks Hillside Library for having this lecture and for the fireplace for our reading pleasure

Mom comes home from Yoga at Hillside Library. She has made her other stops, Wine store and Starbucks.  Her Thursday morning routine gives her pleasure. Today she participated in a photo for her teacher's website. Mom is already in the slideshow on the Hillside Library website.
Her yoga class pic shows up after a few. Mom loves the camera, Such a Leo (me too) I hope to get a quick walk but Mom goes online. She starts our blog story. No walk now. She has our latte (I'll get licks) and wine (that's for later) It seems there is a break in the routine for this Thursday. She is off to a seminar. I am alone. We are supposed to do this together; I work best in a pack. My wolf heritage. There are distractions outside. Squirrels running, birds flying, dogs barking. I'll rest a bit on Mom's hounds-tooth shawl... ideas flow better in reposeNot sure what story we are telling this week. Maybe I will wait. Inspiration may come  I know I have to stay upstairs...that is where we work. I technically am not in violation of this rule by sitting on the bed. I know breaks must be taken to rejuvenate the brain and rev up the creative juices. Once on the bed though it is hard to stay upright. So comfy. I flop over
Maybe some latte licks will perk me up.

The lecture is fantastic, a view on history by a person who was there. Mr. Lazarro is a storyteller with many framed photos of White House events and a charming presentation. And he is from Queens, NY! Has written an ebook. He is an entertainer, motivational speaker and an informed historian. Very audience friendly. Not a circuit lecturer with a game face. He is the real thing. Mr. Lazarro has lived life and wants to share.
I have his autograph. Here is the brochure and there is my personal note on top. See upper left, Carol, Best Wishes, Frank Lazarro.
I did not solicit. He came over. Okay, I may have waved.
The seminar ends. I must get going. We have a blog to write and publish and Liam needs a walk.

I am at my perch on the couch. Better squirrel watching down here. They walk on the railing so near my nose. Ah, dreams of the chase. Uh oh...My collaborator is home. I have to get back upstairs. I'll hide. I have nothing done. My rest naps, bed sitting. latte licks have all expanded to fill the time.
Mom is full of joy. She learned so much at the seminar and met up with folks. She said the purple hat ladies showed up. Or is it the red hat/purple ladies? Well, anyway, one of them won the centerpiece that Mr. Lazarro made at today's seminar. Before we do LiamLicks we go for a walk. Guess what? Our garbage can is back!  Not the school can, but an even better bigger waste can and it is located only two blocks from our house. We're so thankful. Mom thinks she caused this because of her blog story "Pooped out"

I do think that our blog story did have an effect. That's our story. Maybe only karmic but somehow the garbage can is back. And the boulevard is once more clean. Hope it stays put.

Happy Thanksgiving...we will not be working next Thursday so see you all in 2 weeks
We thank you for your loyal readership and participation.

I am not done. Something else Mom does. Laundry. She does it all day as we are writing LL. I am afraid of the basement and never have gone down there. She loves that part of Thursday. I hate the sound of the dryer buzzer. It terrifies me as much as thunder and the toaster popping. I hear we are off next Thursday. Mom says to say thanks to all of you. I say thank you every week. My two words are always the same. My thank you is at the end after my picture

  Woof, Woof

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rhinebeck Veterans

Sandy wiped out our November Rhinebeck trip last year and the year before illness did. Our last fall visit was in November 24. We stay at the Beekman Arms.
I document each trip with the room door photo. Since we have been coming for many years we know many of the rooms. This year we are on the 3rd floor, room 31. One we have never had. November is our month of choice because the foliage folks are gone, the rates are lower and the fireplace has a chance to roar. We go on Veterans day because it is a non-work day and its commemorative patriotic spirit is a match for our journey to an area hosting veterans and boasting historic places. George Washington was all over here as was FDR.
Liam goes on his overnight to Best in Show
Best in Show posts pix of play time and we check on the pix while relaxing in Rhinebeck. If I see him, I then post a comment "Hi Liam."
Here are some visual highlights of our trip...Food, Drink, Fireplace and Liam
Our favorite restaurant Terrapin outside
 farm to table food during Restaurant Week in the Hudson Valley.
some duck bolognese with brussel sprouts at Terrapin

A fireplace and drinks.  I love fireplaces. Paul does not come close to liking. We nestle in for what I hope is a warm respite by the fire. Paul finishes his Irish coffee quickly. They go down easy...and announces he will be going to our room to watch DWTS. Really? I have a full glass of wine and a crackling, spitting fire.  Logs being loaded promptly. Mesmerizing. I have my Kindle. The only way to reach the third floor is by the stairs and every step echoes to the lobby. I know when Paul has reached room 31. I shoot my video, you will see the fire, then our drinks, wine on left is mine, empty glass is Paul's, the voices are other folks chatting in the tavern
After I am done with my Indie film I hear steps coming down, the amount of footfalls indicates the person is coming from the third floor. Oh Paul has decided to come back and join me. There is Paul peeking through the banister, I hear, "There is no heat in room 31, please send some up."  Hmm, so it is cold in room 31. We have a warm fire going right here. I stay and enjoy the fire. Paul trudges back up to the third floor. Elizabeth Berkley is voted off DWTS.
and what of Liam enjoying his vacation in playgroup?

I see other posts from owners lamenting no pet sightings. Thank goodness Liam is in a number of photos.


He is in the back of the group and then in the front. They post 127 photos and Liam has a good shot at being in some and is. The staff tells us he is friendly and playful. Always an honor to score a solo portrait, Though a Leo birth sign has that love of the spotlight and Liam loves the camera