Saturday, December 8, 2018

Lumps On Liam

a cropped cone...I cut off four inches
Liam had surgery
for a hard lump on his shoulder.
He has many soft fatty lumps. I know because I examine and feel his little body and notice any changes immediately,

Liam has more lumps than I do.
Lipomas are fatty deposits.
And they can be large and are moveable

This new one was different.
small and immobile

see blog story about the past large lumps

we biopsied and the results were inconclusive.
surgery was the next option
and the cone was installed for protection.  Much too big. I cut it down and he wore it for two days.. slamming into walls, getting stuck in the doorways, unable to negotiate the stairs, getting snagged on each carpeted step.

and then I realized

there is no way he could reach his shoulder
unless he was channeling Linda Blair's head turning performance in the Exorcist

see how his head turns

no where near the shoulder

I took off the cone 

I had already ordered a soft more mobile holiday themed cone from Amazon
and when it showed up, I put it on for a photo op

 and we had a pose

the vet called with happy news

no cancer

a Fibroma
and here is what they are 
I had one years ago

 Fibromas resemble collagenous nevi or skin tags. Fibromas occur in all breeds but are primarily a tumor of aged dogs. Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, and Golden Retrievers are most at risk. The head and legs are the most likely sites. Fibromas appear as isolated, generally raised, often hairless lumps originating under the skin surface. They feel firm and rubbery (fibroma durum) or soft and mushy (fibroma molle) These tumors are benign and treatment is optional. However, complete surgical removal is recommended if they change appearance or grow large.

stitches came out this week

the wound cratered open
the edges were not kneaded together

we debated about returning to the Vet

I took out my surgical supplies from my post operative wounds
and committed myself to the job of healing

I was an able assistant in my own home care

I was eager to take on the job

I immediately violated a recovery rule by allowing Liam to take me on a long walk... the Parts Unknown places he visited were swampy. messy, wet and had other dogs...all a danger to a dog with an open wound

I did not read up before I ventured out

Now I did and am on board

wound is healing and the walks will begin next week.
We all want it
I am losing 5000 plus Fitbit steps without my Liam walk

Woof, Woof