Thursday, January 24, 2013

Friday Night Fever

Paul is preparing for work as usual last Friday morning but at some point he announces that he is not feeling well and will call in sick. He also adds that he feels he might have a fever. Oh no, I think Crabtree's tonight is in jeopardy. We go every Friday. See link for their Facebook page.
To Paul a fever means you are truly sick. You must stay home with a thermometer in constant use. Liam listens to Paul's calling in call. It will be 8 sick-work lingo-meaning you are requesting to be out for the 8 hour work day on your accumulated sick time. I have in my mind that this is a three day weekend and calling in sick on the Friday before a big weekend is not good in the work world. Paul does not yet have the requisite "sick"congested voice and fevers don't project through the phone. He makes the call and upon hanging up, he says "Wow, you managers know what to say "Feel better, and enjoy the weekend." I am a retired manager from the same place of work and will always be a manager in Paul's eyes. Yes, I often said the exact same reply as did his manager.

Next stage, taking the temperature and hoping it is the normal 98.6 or near normal. I decide that my plan is to put forward the hypothesis that any number under 100 is not serious and that Crabtree's must still remain on the table. We have several thermometers and Paul tries his temperature on each, hoping that one will show no fever.  I also am hoping but not with entirely pure reasons. The first reading by mouth thermometer comes in at 99.2. Then we do the next "in the ear" thermometer.  His temp is 96.9.  I am pleased but realize it is too low to be believable. I take mine- 96.... hmmm something is wrong. We have dueling thermometers.

11:00 AM  I go out to CVS for supplies and buy a new thermometer. I read the labels of the various brands and all directions display the same instructions- "for mouth, underarm and rectal use."  nothing about ear. We are sticking the thermometer in our ears! I am sure that was correct placement at some time-to stick it in one's ear. Really, I am sure that was correct.

11:30-12:00 PM   new thermometer stuck under tongue shows temp of 99.2. Several readings taken.

1:00 PM- Paul makes reservations for Crabtree's.  False hope, perhaps?  Fever steady.

1:30-3:30 PM  I do my workout at the gym. There I meet the Crabtree's bartender and tell him of our possible non -attendance this evening. We part with the goodbye of "see you later" Keep hope alive.
4:00 PM.  I arrive home with latte to the report of fever still at 99.2  I offer my opinion that 100 is really the line of demarcation for serious illness. No impact. Sticking it in one's ear yields a much lower reading, too bad I discovered the correct insertion spots.

5:00 PM decision- no Crabtree's.  Paul "Will you be upset, if we do not go?"  Heck, yes, but how can I ask a sick person to go out to dinner?  I regroup silently and say "I will be fine."  I think of it as an opportunity to rack up some "good spouse" points. We call in sick to Crabtree's-3 sick (representing the 3 hours we usually spend there)  I text our friends not to expect us. We buy food. 

7:00 PM- I arrive at New Hyde Park Wine and Liquors to secure wine for the evening at home. I record my location on FB- something I do every Friday from Crabtree's.  I hope and expect my FB family to notice my location and comment. They do and I am able to share my feelings of disappointment as well as enjoy their witty postings. Paul is not on FB. My silent suffering spouse points are intact.

7:30-10:00 PM  Very busy not thinking of Crabtree's. Heat up the pre-cooked store bought meal. Turns out to be a tasteless mess making the thought of Crabtree's more poignant. Liam is thrilled to have us home and attempts to the meal.

Liam snuggling in after dinner Lance Armstrong and Oprah provide a distraction. Laundry, writing out donation checks and cleaning become part of the night's activities. Wine always causes me to notice hard to see dirt and releases an urge in me to wash every item of clothing. After a glass of Cabernet I often see black mold and set about to attack it. I also love to brillo anything in sight. I am at a fever pitch. Maybe I now have a temperature.

10:00 PM.  Lance, laundry and cleaning are done. Lance might be the most "done." Crabtree's would have been done. We survive a non-Crabtree's Friday

Saturday morning light reveals no black mold, no Brillo damage- piles of laundry completed and many donations to all my causes ready to go.  And a ready to play Liam dog.
 Paul's fever continues through the 3 day weekend.  Liam loves the company of his stay at home Dad,My performance as "the Good Wife" loses its passion by Monday thereby endangering any good spouse points I have earned thus far.

Paul returns to work fever-less on Tuesday.

Snow is predicted for this Friday, January 25. We have been in a deep freeze and Paul has teased "Wonder if this storm will affect Crabtree's?" Paul's' favorite meteorologist Janice Huff appears on the screen every day adding fuel to the question. The answer is no-Crabtree's is not affected by weather....but I stay quiet and nonchalant.  We'll see, let's play and pass the day
Woof, Woof