Not Today
Liam and I
Liam and I
We love it outside
but at some point there are mosquitoes and they are ferocious and blood sucking and welt producing
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We are looking to screen in the patio...a dream which will come true soon...
I have written about my concern and experiences in prior LiamLicks
an obvious recurring theme in my house living life, tap/click on links to read
an excerpt
There is no buzz. There used to be. When I was a kid living in our
3rd floor apartment in Pomonok Houses in Queens, NY there was a buzz.
It came on summer nights. It was the sound of mosquitoes buzzing around
my head. We did not have screens on the windows. They would find me and
circle for a feast. I pulled the covers over my head to hide from
the buzzing bugs.
We did not have air conditioning; it got very hot
quickly. Usually the mosquitoes got what they wanted, leaving gorged
with my blood.
Now we have screens and air conditioning. We live in a
house with a yard. I had always dreamed of a yard. Of sitting outside with
my dog. I have that yard and I have a dog, Liam.
The mosquitoes are also outside. Screened out. They are not like the ones in our growing-up
apartment. These make no buzz. They bite so quickly and so often that
one trip outside and I have multiple bites. These bites are not
like the childhood bites. I don't know that I have been bitten until suddenly
an unbearable itchy sensation compels me to scratch until the welts appear.
These bites remain sensitive and keep their shape and itch producing
sensation for days. These are not the mosquitoes of the 1950's and 1960's. Who
are these new creatures? They also can make one sick because some have
West Nile virus. People die from infected mosquitoes.
and Another
Saturday June 15, 2013 about 6:30PM
I set up. I go out early evening because that is happy hour. The day is
winding down, the mowing is over as are outdoor house projects. The
sounds are more muted. Also a more deserving of rest feeling exists
after the day's events. Who else goes out early evening? The biting bugs
led by the mosquitoes.
Equipment set up. My fire pit, bracelets on wrists and ankles anchoring long pants, socks, long sleeves
wine, Kindle, devices, Liam I read, play, listen, watch, think. I do not itch, scratch, swat, wave, or hide.
I get bitten
I am type are most ppl

After 2013, I stopped going out
the prep was ridiculous, and zapping of bugs inhumane
I subjugated my dream of a screened in patio for these past 6 years
I am older now.looking at the final years of my life and I am venturing out again
it is time to act on the dream
Some photos of us outside to right and following

We stay out a long time
Our Dream is Coming
woof, woof