July 2020
Liam talking
My Mom has been claimed by an outdoor cat. She has named her Colleen. I have tried to kill Colleen. No luck yet.
I don't want a sibling
Mom is extremely allergic to cat dander. Otherwise I guess I would have been a cat.
July 30 2020
I am the only child. But a cat has crept into my portrait. see collage
Carol talking
I wanted to do TNR but due to Covid very few options are available. All of TNR stopped during the pandemic Lockdown
what is TNR?
Colleen came in July. brought by her Mother. Sat under Paul's car. I fed her,
Here is a link about cats you may see wandering about
and it went on for a few months.
Fall arrived and some cold days. I knew I had to do the right thing and TNR
My Sil Gail lent me a trap
Nov 1 2020
It was done
T (trap)

Nov 2 2020
N (neuter)
delivery to Garden City Vet
after a bit
the vet calls
seems we have a male cat
and just like that
return home same day
recovery in the ccc
What is the ccc? Carol's cab cove
Liam and Colin in a face-off at the door of the ccc
I feel compelled to help. we had a outdoor cat in the nineties. Ginger left an abusive home down the block and chose us. Lived outside for 9 years. Would not come in as the abuse had occurred inside. But I do not feel I did enough. I was ignorant. I could have helped her more The universe has given me a second chance
Colin inside the ccc
Is Colin feral
The difference between stray and feral cats
stray and feral cats share some commonalities there is a big difference.
Stray cats are socialized to humans – in most cases they were once pets
who have either become lost or were, unfortunately, abandoned, while
feral cats have had very limited (or no) interactions with humans and
have reverted to a wild state. Stray cats may become feral as their
contact with humans dwindles or, in a happier scenario, become loving
pets again if they are taken in.
Feral cats typically fear
humans. In most cases, unless they are very young at the time of
adoption, they do not enjoy living indoors if someone were to take them
in. They do, however, bond with their colony. Although you might wish to
rehabilitate a feral cat, if they are not socialized by about 5 months
of age, it is almost impossible to turn them around. They are best left
to live their lives outside.
ferals don't meow at humans
Colin does
They don't look at you
Colin does
in fact his intense focus on me was what won me over in July
He is 6 months old.
he will be an outdoor cat.
Then maybe an indoor cat later on
he has two houses
an outdoor in front
an indoor one inside the ccc
Colin has received a gift
November 16
I began thinking Colin was restless and confined and unhappy
I thought I would release him
November 17 2020
R (release)
I went into the ccc to take out some summer items, Colin got spooked. jumped up to the door top, the screen piece fell towards the outside and in a second he was half in and out. I called him to come down then ran to the outside. He jumped, ran across the yard and disappeared. And so the decision was made.
Colin had been in the ccc for 16 days
November 18
Colin came back. I tried to entice him back into the ccc with tuna. Came to the door. I don't want him as a prisoner as he was for 16 days but as a come and go guest who has shelter in bad weather. He has the outdoor house in front.
The ccc is better though as I can sit with him and check from the window.
For now I am a dog Mom and Aunt.
Liam looking.
I am Colin's Mom as well. Next shirt.
I feel I have fulfilled my promise to Ginger and that the universe is okay with me. I will not give up though.
Colin now comes to the side door
will not let me touch or pet. But wants me to watch him play and stretch. kinda like kitty porn show
Liam has a brother
for now
modus vivendi
Woof, Woof
Meow Meow