finally a hot May day, yay
There is a new movie entitled Letters to Juliet
Apparently people are and have been writing to Juliet (yes, of Romeo and Juliet) for many years seeking her advice in love. They tack these missives on the wall beneath the famous balcony in Verona, Italy. These postings are collected each day and answered by a group of volunteers. Yeah, really. The movie's story is woven around just one lost letter found in a crevice in the wall. This letter has been lost or maybe better phrased "waiting" for over 50 years. A stone from the wall loosens and a letter is extricated carefully and gently from behind it by a lovely young woman Sophie, played by Amanda Seyfreid.
I am no Amanda Seyfried. However, I am doing the same thing. I am collecting letters, my mother's letters.
And just like Sophie, her character in Letters to Juliet, I would love for one to just fall out from behind somewhere. My mother Ruth wrote me letters often and for many years.
Where are they all?
I have been on a quest to find these letters. postcards, notes, greetings. Where would have I tucked them away? I must have saved them I am sure.
If only I had the wall of Verona where everyday these communications are retrieved, read and saved. They would all have been collected, catalogued, remembered, stored by a team.
I do not have a wall or a team.
I have had letters, cards and notes pop out of places where they have been resting undisturbed for weeks. months and years. They seemingly announce themselves to me. I am looking through photo albums and find one from my 50th birthday.

I am looking though stored receipts in my desk drawer and one folded paper looks a bit different, Ruth's last letter I think.

I hope for more - a volume discovery, a trove, a stash, a labeled envelope Letters to Carol
Until then I will enjoy my serendipitous discoveries.

Woof, woof