The dogs have FB pages and business cards. Check out the link for their page and pix from their week at Newtown.
These dogs are trained to provide comfort. No words need be spoken. No effort to think of what to say or how to act. What a relief that must be to this town in grief.
Liam would not meet the standards of a comfort dog. I talked to him about it as we have watched the sad events of The Sandys- storm and shootings. Liam is a licker and leaper and knocks kids down with his exuberance.
He does what he does.

Liam received a toy, Snowy, from Aunt Suzy
He surprised us by accepting them into the pack and protecting both.
Comfort dogs Luther, Ruthie, Chewie, Maggie and Hannah have returned to Chicago area after making many new friends. Comfort dogs Prince, Barnabas and Chloe remain in Newtown.
Many tributes for the Newtown children have been done. From the heart, original and inspiring. Anderson Cooper interviewed the family of Grace McDonnell early this week and mentioned to them that the song "Amazing Grace" makes him cry but that now he will always think of their Grace when he hears it. His AC360 show ended its Monday and Tuesday night broadcasts with the song while introducing each child. The pace and arrangement gives you a few seconds to meet and say goodbye to each one. Video below.
Today our yoga teacher ended our class with this wish as she always does
"May there be peace in your hearts and in the world this day. Namaste."
If you say it aloud, its rhyming is very soothing.
Say it again, even better.
"May there be peace in your hearts and in the world this day. Namaste."
Like a litany
See you in two weeks