Thursday, October 11, 2012

I will Follow her

There is a lot of following going on in the world of Social Media.  Twitter.  Blogs.  FB page subscriptions. If you follow you may be followed back. A courtesy connection. Then a possible relationship. You receive feedback, updates, photos.  I follow people on Twitter, they follow me.  I have blog followers and I follow back. In the non-virtual world I have a follower.  He lives in our house.  He waits to play, toy ready.

I would say he is a stalker but that implies malice. My follower is Liam.  He is everywhere I am.  As I type this story (his blog) he is sitting next to me, occasionally looking up, sometimes staring, licking latte foam.

If I leave this room he will follow, leaping from his window couch perch.

If I pause and do not come downstairs immediately, Liam will wait at the foot of the staircase- looking up at me.
 Or he is gazing upon me with a question-Are we going out now?
There is a song recorded years ago that echoes in my mind and fits this situation with a little gender adjustment "I Will Follow Him" sung by Peggy March. My version is Liam howling "I Will Follow Her"
Yes, Peggy is alive and well and singing - Her hit "I Will Follow Him" was recorded in 1963 when she was 14. It came out right after she turned 15 and she became the youngest female artist with a number one hit.
More about her

and here she is -click for a listen

Conversely, outside of our home, "I Will Follow Him" is my anthem as Liam turns the tables and runs for squirrels, rabbits, birds...There is never a chance that he will follow me when wildlife and nature surround him-add in tossed pizza crusts, candy bar wrappers and other food rejects that have missed the garbage can and I am the follower.
You follow me
I follow back. 
A connection. 
A relationship.

Woof, Woof