It is the first regular January Monday of this year. I am meeting a friend at Starbucks. However, the day starts with memory remnants of a nightmare. I feel a bit off as it is an addendum nightmare to the first. I am waking later than I planned. Liam must sense a disruption in routine and snugly wedges his head against my ankles.

A comfort dog? Hmmm- for this present moment maybe. I check my cell and have a message from my sister. She reports her dog Bernie has died. I know this from my niece's text and FB post. The description is jolting. Routine veers a little more off track. While washing my hair the water turns cool then cold. I appear to have lost track of how long I have been in the shower. Ugh. I put in my contacts and I am not seeing right. Blink, blink. No change. Have I inserted them into the wrong eyes? I look at each eye and I see them there. Okay. No dropped lens issue. I bank on my condition clearing up. After this point getting ready seems to go more askew. I keep blinking to get my focus. I take along my glasses in case I need to take out my lenses at some point. Liam wraps himself in my shawl

and prepares for the wait for my return. I get to the car and I have the wrong car keys. Paul's keys. Back in the house. Liam is happy- quick trip.
Get my keys. My right eye is doing the watering thing and I fear bald eye-one with eye makeup and one without. I have my topics in my head, I usually write them down, in order to make sure I ask my friend about her life and that I do not repeat stories. I do not have time to do this today.
I arrive at a very crowded Starbucks. My friend is waiting. Any thought of doing a bathroom contact lens check is out as there are steady streams (sorry) of restroom users. After our meeting ends, I stop for my daily gym workout at Twin Parks health club. I head to the bathroom and try to remove my lenses-thinking switching is the answer. There is no right lens! What?! Where is it? I take out my left lens; I put on my glasses. I am
four eyes. The feared taunt from childhood. The
four eyes chant will never happen. Glasses are now chic and mine are fabulous- my
one eye day has been corrected. I feel much better, no longer off kilter. I arrive home hoping Liam has not eaten my lens. He was lurking on the landing while I was getting ready and anything mine is his once dropped.

No worries. Lens is in the sink, hardened and curled. I begin to hydrate it back to life with a few squirts of solution. My contact lenses are not the disposable type; they are $250 a lens, so this process of careful gentle restoration is necessary for financial solvency.
I don't understand
How I convinced myself I had both lenses inserted.
Why I did not check by touch, instead of just looking
How I lost a half hour in the shower
I do understand
That not writing down topics did result in my repeating of stories, talking about my stuff a lot (note to self-shut up Carol) as well as not asking enough questions.
Four eyes are better than one
That the nightmares, death, and a cold shower do throw me.
Liam is thinking of applying to be a comfort dog.
No, not the job for him.
He primarily is interested in his own comfort.
We'll limit it to a hobby.
Woof, Woof