Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cat in the 'hood

It must occur daily. The walk by of the cat. First in front of our house and then a turn up our neighbor's driveway. Our neighbor does not have pets. The cat must know this. I do not know if the cat has an owner in the 'hood. I don't see a collar. Liam knows the cat is coming before I do. The racket that precedes its walk by our window is chaotic and sudden and jarring. The noise all emanates from Liam. Each sighting is the same. Liam listens, then watches and finally explodes into an instinct driven chase, barking all the while.
He races to the window, frantic that he will miss the cat. Hooks his paws to the window ledge for the best view. The cat strolls by. And I mean strolls. The cat often pauses and they lock eyes. As the cat reaches the end of the driveway and is almost out of sight Liam bolts from the living room to the kitchen side door and body slams it. His poochie bells jangle. The string of bells hang on the doorknob and their sound is normally  my signal to release him to the backyard. Liam understands that being outside will give him a better chance of a close encounter with the cat. And the cat understands that as long as Liam is inside it will be safe.
                                                             I am not letting you out Liam. 
                                                                           So stop it.

Eventually the cat disappears into the shrubs of our neighbor's yard. A spent Liam stretches out. And we wait for the next time.

Meow, meow...Woof, woof