I have a Mama's boy in my home. Liam Joseph McNiff-Nikol, our five year old rescue. His mama's boy personality is sharpening as he gets older and he has no qualms about showing it. His dependence on me has been on my mind this week because Liam's annual physical is tomorrow, Friday, November 30, 2012. The place of his physical is Garden City Vet. check it out
This is the venue at which he exhibits his mama's boy traits most blatantly. I have been reminded of this appointment in every form of communication-text, email and phone so I have built up a dread of it on his behalf.
Liam's reminders:
PETPORTALS: Carol, Liam has an appointment on 11/30/12 at 9:00 AM. Please call; 516-742-0606 with any questions. VHELP 4 info
sent via Blackberry by AT&T
You have an upcoming appointment for Liam, We're looking forward to your visit-regular check-ups are a very important part of ensuring a happy healthy life for your pet. It goes on for a page or two delineating all the products that will be needed to prevent internal and external parasite attacks to Liam's body.
Liam-11/30/12 09:00 AM
Hi, this is Lindsay calling to remind you of Liam's appointment tomorrow at 9AM. Please call back if you cannot make it, have a good day, looking forward to seeing you then
Good that Liam is not able to read or hear these reminders. The annual physical as well as any other visit to the vet causes Liam great anxiety
Last night my neighbor invited Liam and me over for a visit, just a hello. His girlfriend Tango was super excited. Liam spent most of the hour visit under the table and begging for kisses and relief from this doggie/human play date. When my friend asked for both dogs to follow her from the kitchen, Liam would not leave unless I followed.
In case you are thinking that I might be projecting my feelings on Liam, I say no. I like going to doctors. I like that they are interested in me. I am happy someone cares enough to make annotations about me. I know I am paying for this but so what. A book of me!
Guess I will have to talk to Liam about this. As a fellow Leo he might understand that attention is always welcome.
Think of us at 9AM.
Whah, whah, oops Woof Woof