Hubby Paul is on a 2 week vacation. We are not going on an "away" trip but doing day trips. One of the day trips was a Met game. Normally I would balk at going as I am a Yankee fan way back to childhood and The Mick." However there are reasons why I agreed with alacrity and here they are:
1-I worked at Shea Stadium
2-It was a day game
3-I would get marriage points
4-Dog Day at Shea
5-Keith Hernandez
Some background on the Reasons:
Reason One
Worked at Shea
I worked the Mets/Jets games at Shea in the late '60's and early '70's. I was interested in visiting its replacement-Citi Field
The best Shea story I have is that of a Jet game. We worked at the top where the seats were the cheapest and the crowds were the wildest. By the second half it was like "Animal House" up top. Roaming drunken guys would routinely reach over the counter, grab some hot dogs and eat them without paying, like an unofficial hot dog eating contest

My best transaction was selling one hot dog three times. It was time for me to exact revenge for all the stolen dogs. I was ready. It was my "Three Dog Night."

At least we got some money this time.
Reason Two
Day Game
A day game to me will always be real baseball. One is supposed to be hot, sweaty, sunburned, sticking to the seat, nauseated by wafting hot dog smells and stale beer. That is the tradition of an old fashioned baseball day game. People are less tired, and more relaxed.
Reason Three
Marriage Points
This is when you cheerfully do something for the spouse that they feel guilty for asking you to do- you must be totally enthusiastic and not ever mention "this is a favor" Points must be used quickly because spouse forgets. I retrieved mine that night as I had wanted to go out to dinner and we did. I should not have spent them so quickly. Maybe he would have done the food shopping this week; I am so bored with that chore-always good to have points as I never know when I will screw up the food shopping or need hubby's good will for my crazed schemes.
Reason Four
Dog Day at Shea

I felt I should go in order to give Liam a first-hand report. They have had dog days at Shea. This is when dogs can come with their owners and sit out in the bleachers with the goal of dog adoptions. A North Shore Animal League truck is outside with adoptable dogs inside. Paul will not let us go as he knows I will adopt as many dogs as I can fit into the car. Liam is hoping to get to a game. He watches with Daddy Paul
Reason Five
Keith Hernandez
I did desert the Yankees in the mid eighties when I fell hard for Keith Hernandez. Oh my goodness-looks, skills, intelligence. It felt odd as I had been to Yankee Stadium as a child and actually watched "The Mick" play. But Keith

Keith picked number 17 to honor Mickey Mantle

"Keith won 11 consecutive Gold Gloves, a record for a first baseman. Hernandez had such a strong and accurate throwing arm that as a result, the Mets re-routed their relays through him. Due to his instincts, Hernandez was able to play farther off first base than other first basemen, allowing the other infielders to play farther to their right." (from wikipedia)
Fast-forward to August 5, 2009. I harbored a fantasy Keith would come out of the broadcasting booth and somehow bump into me. I am older, but so is he. Love the camaraderie with his teammate Ron Darling. He has honed his sense of humor as well as sense of fun. I could possibly run into him at Citi if I was in the right place at the right time
So what did happen?
We prepared; sun screen, water (have to hide it, not allowed in) reading material for me, hats, I would be one of the few without a cap. My head looks like a pea in a cap and makes the rest of my body appear huge, So I brought a huge hat
So much eating went on that folks must be spending hundreds of dollars. The day, Wednesday August 5, was a hot humid New York August day. What Liam calls the "hot dog

there was a full house. I had the NY Times, 2 mags and a book. I figured if I discreetly read them no one would get upset, after all this was not the rivalry of the Yankees and Red Sox, but the Cardinals and Mets. Very early on David Wright fouled a ball within inches of my hand. Paul said had it hit, my wrist would have shattered. Since I left my catcher's glove at home I opted to duck instead, earning the scowls of two little boys in front of me wearing David's number.
As it got hotter, Paul made frequent trips to the shade while I stuck it out, The fourth time he left I started thinking about my situation, A Yankee fan, dripping with sweat, thirsty, and now with sweaty NY Times print all over me. A gust of wind caught the Dining section and sent it like a paper plane into the neck of a woman in the row in front of me. Whoops. I have to move. There is now knowledge I am reading a newspaper at the game. When Paul came back I told him I was going to explore. What a great venue Citi field is! I walked around a bit, then found this wonderful air conditioned den named The Promenade. There were folks eating, drinking- they had wide screen TVs hanging from the ceilings and better yet, they had a bar!! I got a gin and tonic and sat down to watch the rest of the game looking like an attendee of the Kentucky Derby
Love Citi Field
The Mets won big.
Did not see Keith.
Finished the NY Times.
Had an awesome gin and tonic.
Had a fruit salad, No hot dogs.
The women finally have enough restrooms-Lets Go Mets
and Liam came back from his vacay at Best in Show yesterday, washed, brushed and with a blue ribbon -see it hanging- Liam hates bows!

and said good night early
Woof woof