Friday June 22, 2012...some times approximate and some exact- to the best of my recollection
Storm #1
Becomes very dark, rain starts. I am leaving Twin Parks Health Club, running to car. I make it to my car, not too wet, the drops are very big but few and none are absorbed. Once in the car, I call Paul to tell him to shut the skylight in the upstairs bathroom. I had opened it two days earlier in an attempt to move around some air. You might think that rain in a bathroom is not as worrisome as other places-I mean, aren't we supposed to be wet in there? However, I had done this once before and instead of pouring down vertically, the water traveled horizontally across the slanted ceiling (of course it would) before descending to the floor. The entire area around the skylight had to be repainted (by me, I caused it, marriage rule) Paul says he will shut the skylight (no recriminations as to why it is open, whew!) and then adds that he has strapped Liam in his thundershirt. Wow, guess the open skylight took a back seat! By the time I arrive home, a 7 minute trip-a lot changes- lightning, darkness, thunder and heavier rain. Liam makes two trips into his sanctuary- the back room with its table.
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Okay! Yay thundershirt.
Storm #2
This was promised to arrive around dinnertime. We go to Crabtree's for dinner EVERY Friday. Will this system include thunder and lightning? We decide to leave Liam shirtless. The idea of him strapped in for a few hours seems confining to both of us. We might be projecting our claustrophobia on Liam. Paul is imagining himself in a straightjacket..and me-I have not yet been able to step into the snuggie (a blanket with arms) Paul gifted me with for Valentine's Day.
After briefly considering staying till the storm passes, we decide to go. We arrive and as we try to park, the storm becomes ferocious. How is Liam? We assume fine as this system has little noise. We arrive home a few hours later to an okay Liam.
12AM-6AM or some time between midnight and dawn
Storm #3
Early morning Saturday or middle of the night-is that the same? It is dark with crackling lightning and booming thunder. We are in bed. Liam is sitting between us shaking, panting. We did not dress him in his thundershirt for bedtime. I think the idea that we would not be awake to monitor him in his thundershirt (what if he strangled?) is a deterrent to using it at bedtime. Mistake. Loud multiple lightning strikes create repeated fake daylight. Dark. Then thunder, then light- Liam in bad shape. No thundershirt. We keep thinking it is too late, almost over, all that. Bad parents. It ends.
Weekend-sunny- practice thundershirt session held. Another thundershirt effect-barking is diminished significantly.
8:30 AM
Storm #1
Liam is dressed and ready. He hears rumblings before I do.
Here we go. More thunderstorms. We are ready - thundershirt on
Little bit of panting, breathing deeply, yawning for air, mouth open to do all these things
Storm #2
next round late afternoon thundershirt back on. Much improvement.
From now on, we will ride out the storms with the thundershirt. I might even get in my snuggie.
This song was often played during a storm back in the day
July 4th fireworks next test for thundershirt. Seeing Liam's next pic-another song comes to mind "and don't it make my brown eyes blue?"