Thursday, March 31, 2011

Starbucks Sirens evolve

Having a place to sit
sip a latte
read the NY Times
blackberry (as a verb) 
network in person
 kindle (all ways) 
recharge physically and technically (outlets all over)
people watch 
 are all part of the Starbucks experience

I have previously written about my problems with seating because of my desire to sit alone.  Well readers,  my attitude has been changing and I have come full circle.  

Started out I wanted to just run in, get my latte and leave.  Then I sat at times with my Times.  Then the troubles began.  Folks needed to sit. There were only a few tables.   Strangers would say "Do you mind if I share the table?"  As they were on their way down to the chair.  I was steamed like my latte.

I then hit upon a solution.  Cover the table with all my devices, papers, bag, latte and make sure only one chair was at my table-the one in which I was sitting.  Worked beautifully.  From my Queenly roost,  I felt power, with that an ebbing of boundaries and fear.  I began chatting to other regulars. I liked it. I felt like the neighborhood Starbucks Siren.  I began to look forward to my daily visit.  They know my name, my drink. Next photo shows my new siren soul under the old Starbucks Siren.
A heady experience.  The seating problem was no longer a problem.  I always got a solo seat, because of either serendipitous timing or help from other regulars. When there were no seats another regular would get up give his/hers and join another regular.  I was invited to sit with others. Then it came full circle just 2 weeks ago.  I actually sat with a stranger. I initiated it, in the very way I had once loathed.  "Do you mind me sitting here?" as I was on my way down to the seat.  To be clear, the person had not purchased any Starbucks item and had no right to sit (unwritten Starbucks culture law) 

My new attitude coalesced with a Starbucks renovation at my New Hyde Park Store. This update left only two tables with six seats.  My evolution had come just in time. The new configuration would make it very dicey to snare a seat.

My new Siren self was ready. One day this week, I actually invited an older woman to sit at my table.   Another day I sat with two regulars.  Have I yet been able to ask a stranger with a Starbucks purchase if I may join? No.  Maybe next week.I have gone from someone wanting to be anonymous, to enjoying the camaraderie, to joining others at their tables.

As my evolution was occurring, change was brewing within the Starbucks Company. Starbucks is celebrating their 40th year,  Back to basics.
And  has a new logo. The  Siren has been released from her circled bondage.
This one minute video shows and tells about her evolution.    She has been inside a circle for many years and sealed with a text. Now no text. She is her own person. Stands alone..

Time magazine states a company has truly become international when it needs no text to identify it.,9171,2056730,00.html  Such as Nike. Just the swoosh.

I have become comfortable siting among people and sharing, setting limits when I want. I am freed from my worries and in a way from my own imposed circle of isolation.
Liam loves the new Siren.
Woof, Woof