Two weeks ago we wrote about a name change for our blog. Liam wrote about it because I was emoting. Now some time has passed, readers have spoken with support and understanding for whatever course we take. We have received many very witty fun suggestions for a new name, yet all (including those with suggestions) are in favor of keeping LiamLicks.
Two other events happened that sealed the decision to hold fast.
One is a court case about "feel your boobies" see link for info if you have not heard about it. The word boobie on the bracelet is the issue. I am not sure I agree that young kids should be wearing boobie bracelets, but I needed the analogy for this story.
Another was the opening of a play in NYC with a title no one was allowed to print or say aloud on TV due to possible personal offense as well as legal ramifications. It went forward anyway. And the title stands.
The reviewer of the play wrote, "the title is really the right one"
LiamLicks is really the right one for our blog. We will stick with it.
From Liam--
We read a book this month "The Art of Racing in The Rain" by Garth Stein Garth Stein is a special man. He knows dogs know things.
We got so much from this special book about living life with courage and not giving up. As a result, we are not giving up our name. Enzo told his story, I will continue to tell mine in LiamLicks. An added bonus is that Carol now believes I will come back as a man. Why she likes this, I do not know.
But I try to hold her gaze with my big brown eyes as long as I can to make her believe I am very deep and profound in my feelings.