and the TPLO surgery happened 4/20/2021 after a month long wait for our traveling surgeon Tony Kahn
Injury occurred on Friday March 19, 2021
here is an explanation of what Liam had
I did not realize how common and how serious this surgery and surgery is until Liam had to do it.
refresher for those who did not see the injury story and who want a refresher
Liam severely injured himself chasing our feral kitten Tabby White Foot ripping his ccl and meniscus
see the tapestry of IG posts from GCVC and our exchanges while Loam rehabbed there
we did not leave the house together in order to monitor Liam
this even involved missing an in person Friday Night at Crabtrees on his first week home
Friday April 30 we did Crabtrees's Curbside
A stitched montage of Liam's recuperating
Good Vet report 5/4
Liam hears it
Paul got up from his couch seat and went into the kitchen
Liam saw an opening and jumped up next to the pile of books that had just been covering the spot
First two photos are Liam's sneaky jumps up
we then waited until he slid down the couch and reinstalled more obstacles
note RBG pillow glaring down third photo
the current situation
a few more weeks
no, not a few more weeks
we succumb
Liam is way too wily
RBG did NOT do her job..
.Liam embraced her...was mot intimidated...
May 18, 2021
Liam's final checkup...He is a super dog...Doctor Polley GCVC founder and head doctor escorted Liam back out of the office personally and greeted us with our bouncing 13 3/4 year old TPLO surgery survivor and thriver. Liam is doing remarkably well...we are instructed to keep doing what we are doing, Which of course involves undoing the reinstated permissions of couch surfing and long walks and cat chasing. "Take it slow, don't go crazy. a quote." says Dr Polley
proud of our quick healing boy. The DNA mix of Doxie, beagle, Irish setter and dalmatian must have propelled his body and mind to get it done
Thank you to all for your support during this unexpected blip in Liam's life
You shared your stories
sent your love
got us through
All of you
woof, woof