Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bugs and Birds

Liam and I are outside.   I have not been out as often as I would like because there are mosquitoes here in New Hyde Park that seem to be the most tenacious and blood thirsty on Long Island. I know this because they bite us and the bites last a week or two. Also because our town documents infestations in several newsletters with dire warnings of Lyme disease. There is a mosquito report link for New Hyde Park, sort of like the pollen, and sunburn indices.
We will check this before even venturing out for some sitting.
If it is not 1 or 2 I should wear netting.

But we are out.  Liam is guarded with his monthly dose of Frontline.  I have not sprayed myself with Bug Off.  Liam will try to lick it and poison himself.  Its ingredients are so strong that nail polish comes off, and affects any reading material by sliming the words off the page, shorting out electronic devices as well as making  wine glasses precarious to hold.  To coat oneself with bug poison probably gives you another future health problem. So I just cover up with clothes.  What is the point of having a yard if you cannot use it?
I have two books, Kindle, BB, camera, NY Times, USA Today, Time magazine, AARP mag and reading glasses.  The birds are out and the planes are zooming overhead at the rate of one every 5 minutes
  All okay.

I have my wine covered.  Liam is on alert.  He hears bug buzzes way before me. My new hearing aids have a quirky side effect.  I now hear the lightning bugs when they light up- I get a static like an old radio-guess their light is electricity-which really is so disappointing because that is the one bug that turns on for you so you know it is there. AKA as firefly, moon bug etc.

We stay out.   No bites.  Nothing.  Where are the bugs?  The solars come on having soaked up enough sun during the day to delight us at night.
Last plane twinkling by in the sky

Safe for tonight. Sleepy. Unbitten.

Woof, Woof