I do not know some things as I am just a dog, so some of what I am telling you is coming directly from Carol. I also know some stuff because I have been listening and sitting by her as she types LiamLicks.
Something new happened last week when we published. I will tell you about it.
Thursday is publishing day. The excitement builds all day as we ready our story.
It goes this way. When the story is done-edited, proofed, previewed, spellchecked, all that, Carol pushes the button to publish our blog story on Blogger. Of course, hours of work go into it before but that is not this story. This story is about what happened when we published last Thursday.
I am always summoned to sit by the computer when the button to publish is pushed. It is my blog. I am told that my presence lends credence. I like feeling so important. The button is pushed. There is always a moment of anxiety because we are always afraid a computer glitch will cause a problem. But last week it was smooth. Our blog is successfully published.
Woof, woof!
We tweet our link to Twitter successfully. It is disturbing for a dog to tweet but barking is not offered, so I go with the program. Tweet, tweet. I pretend to myself that we barked it to Twitter. Then Carol pushes "Share" to FB. A response comes back. She gasps. I know this is not good. I hate when she is upset. The message says, "this link has been tagged for abuse cannot be published to FB." Abuse! LiamLicks! How can this be? Who did this to us? A FB friend? Carol feels so sad that someone would do this. I want to tell her it is just a machine saying this, not a friend. It does not understand LiamLicks Stupid machine. Anyway, I lick and nudge Carol to remind her that our readers have not yet received the weekly email and we must send it. We do.
Carol always deletes these solicitations before I see them. Changing our name might be just the answer
We have many ideas but will be careful to be safe and cautious so as not to offend anyone. BTW, in my dog mind, Carol is my Mommy and will always be, but as a grown up dog I refer to her as Carol for blog language.
Some ideas
Liam Tails -might be the same problem as LiamLicks, is a tail a euphemism for another thing in someone's world?
LiamLore- is lore too fancy?
Liam Leaps- that is true, but every week?
Liam's Life- no, the appalling apostrophe!
Life with Liam- there are other stories, not all are about Liam
Life of Liam- possible lawsuit by Monty Python
LiamLoves oh no, too suggestive again
LiamLooks -at what?
LiamLikes -oh, down the salacious road again
LiamListens- hears
LiamLunges -sounds too fierce
LiamLaughing-smile maybe
LiamLevitates- not true, the ball does
Of Life and Liam
and more.............
That is the story as I know it. I watched Carol go through a gamut of emotions. She thought a FB friend had tagged us, a friend of a friend .............
red wine
Carol was told that it might be a computer software program that flags links with certain words and links with licks are a prime target. I tried to convince her that no one would hurt LiamLicks. Humans are so complicated. I don't get all this. I just know that I have to make it right. I want to protect our blog. Name change. That is it.
We are taking a spring break next week--see you April 28th, with a new name. We have stories ready. And more will be created. Not to worry
Happy Holidays to those celebrating, Happy spring break