Just about the same time as our Silver Medalist Slope styler Gus Kenworthy was hugging and tweeting about the Sochi Strays we received an email about Liam's vaccinations. They were due. Our hero Gus had mentioned that he was getting his puppies vaccinated and I knew that was good. No vacillation about his decision. Puppies coming out of Russia and into the USA would have to get the first important round of shots. However Liam is 6 and 1/2 and not exposed to other dogs or adverse conditions on a regular basis. He is due for kennel cough and lepto. Necessary? I never would have questioned this had I not read the loving and intelligent and gently questioning book
Pukka's Promise by Ted Kerasote. He raises this issue. He does not believe in a yearly round of vaccinations...see link for more info
http://www.kerasote.com/ Vaccines have been under attack for humans also. Folks no longer sure that all are safe and helpful.
What is a vaccine? Here is the wiki definition.
Sort of putting a little piece of the toxin in the body so the immune system will build antibodies to fight against the real one.
Why might they be bad? May cause weakened immune system, may lead to other illnesses or in fact the illness being vaccinated against.
I knew what I was going to do. Liam would be getting his vaccines. If he skips he will not be allowed to board or go to play group. Those are the vet rules. I am not confident in going against current practice.
The day comes, Friday February 21, 2014. Liam knows something is up. I call him to come down. No jingling tags, no thump, thump on the stairs. I have to go up and get him. There he is. Settled on the rug.
"Come on Liam, we have to go to the appt." A stare off. Then a stand off. Liam in the doorway. First step to going. I win. We get leashed and make it to the car.
Then we are off. A short car trip and soon at the Vet. One side is the boarding and the other is medical. Uh oh. Liam knows. We arrive and he immediately tries to leave. Then deep moans... not whimpering but sad and low. Almost inaudible. But I hear.
The assistant comes, takes him, I look away.
Over and done. He returns. All seems fine.
Vaccines necessary? Still vacillating.
Woof, Woof