Thursday, October 13, 2011

Liam hates being groomed

Every two months Liam gets a full groom at Best in Show Pet Resort;  yes, that would be the same place where he attended the party he did not like.  His "full groom"  involves washing, nail clipping/ polishing and the teeth brushing. I am most proud of Liam's gleaming white teeth.  I tolerate his barking when I should not just to see his teeth. I am late in bringing him on this day, Friday, September 30. Our tree cutting guy was late in coming.Then an unexpected visit by a neighbor added time and soon it was nearly 10AM.
Liam knew he was going.  His traveling bag was out, a tote from the SPCA with heart wrenching dogs and cats as its design. We made a donation after we received it, so it really is our bag. I wait for the morning of Liam's spa day to pack a few Kong toys, his pillow and treats. Otherwise he will know the night before and act a little wild.
Something is different in his reaction this day.  He tries to get out the front door while I am checking him in. He attempts to pull his head out of his collar, a feat I thought undoable, but I now think is possible.  Not a routine drop off.  Liam always accepts his delivery into their loving arms and walks away with a staff member wagging his tail all the way. Not today. I have to leave and not look back.  If I do my heart will hurt.
After the drop off, I return home to a day spent watching two oaks being cut down, leaves falling, logs, smashing to the ground, the house shaking at times.The sun is a small glimmer at first, then a blazing light as the cut down trees gradually reveal the sky.
Why are we doing this? Hurricane Irene really rocked our New Hyde Park neighborhood. Falling oaks causing much damage. My neighbor friend and I decided it was time to remove an oak each. I needed to stay and watch the action so I called Paul and asked him to pick up Liam, on his way home from work. Which BTW was not on his way home. We had our usual dinner resos at Crabtree's.
After being in the house most of the day, I was psyched to go out.  I expected a puffy, oatmeal scented Liam, eager to play and throw around his red Kong toys.
Paul arrived home with a different Liam. Liam looked stunned.  He was also immobile. Just stood like a statue. He has never returned like this from a salon day. Paul said, "We cannot go out, Liam is very upset."  "Oh no, we are going," He just needs to rest. We need to have our dinner out.  He'll have his popcorn treat with you later."  I say all this to convince myself, and I do.
A weekly routine after Crabtree's-Paul and Liam share a bowl of popcorn-a bromance. I am not part of this boy bonding.
Popcorn is one of the few non dog foods we allow. I remove Liam's kerchief-he hates any adornments. Maybe this necktie has upset him.  We go to Crabtree's.
We enjoy our dinner and arrive home. We have been gone about 2 hours-(never turn down a buyback)
Liam is upstairs.  He is so into ball position that I cannot find his head, tail or legs.  Paul makes their "boy" popcorn bowl and Liam refuses to eat.  He is not better.

Paul turns on a baseball game and proceeds to watch, falling asleep after a few innings. I think, maybe listening to "The Boss" will help-pop in a Springsteen concert. 
I have what I think will soon be a dead Liam.  He is lethargic, unresponsive.  I spend an hour or two talking to him, teary from the wine, promising him all sorts of treats if he will just be Liam again.  I also think I told him my entire life story which might be why I bored myself to sleep.  
I wake up. It is early morning, I am alone.   Liam and Paul are not downstairs.   I find them happily sleeping in the upstairs bed. How do I know it was happily?  Liam is stretched out, as is Paul in that very content position of sweet dreams.

The next day Liam bounds down the stairs for his food .  At the suggestion of my neighbor, I called the Pet Resort  to see if anything unusual had occurred during the grooming and play group,  Nothing.  I trust them. Both boys are on the couch looking just fine.
I am off to the city (told you about that last blog)

Liam has an appointment this Monday for a vaccination. Coming on the paws of these last two visits; I am not sure what to expect. They are a loving, caring and patient group at Best in Show.  I think Liam is just tired of being treated like a dog. I am sure you would guess that while in the waiting room Liam sits next to me on the couch while the other dogs sit on the floor by their owners.    
We'll see. I have to have a talk with Liam Joseph McNiiff-Nikol and explain that he has to do certain things. Life is not all play.

Woof, woof