Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pack Animals and I do not mean Dogs

Liam loves to have the three of us together around or on the couch-we are his pack of choice, you may notice that my form towers over Liam and Paul, the Pack Leader (me) projects a larger than life presence on film
Liam has hung with others on occasion at the Dog Run neighbor's play dates, and Best In Show Pet Resort Now that Liam has illuminated this pack idea; I have watched the Dog Whisperer, Animal Planet; I have joined Dogster, Animal Rescue and NSAL (of course, Liam's adoptive home.)
In addition, I have become a rabid supporter of an inordinate number of doggie events, Facebook apps, and organizations.

Had Liam not come into my life, I may have continued to believe folks were oblivious and unfocused in their actions, just thinking of their own comfort and looking to destroy another's lovely moment of solitude. However, my current conclusion is that we humans do huddle together and expect our pack to be welcoming in our presence, just as our canine friends are. Possibly inherent in our makeup, a good thing or at least not inconsiderate or a deliberate meanness.

Health Club Packing

There are only two row machines, hidden near the back row, certainly not inviting, far from the wall mounted TVs and magazine racks. I use the row machine Very few other people do, until they see me using one, then I am like a magnet. Does my rowing give them the idea? Or are they merely doing the pack like behavior Liam enjoys? Liam second from right next to white dog

Recently I arrived at the gym in the early afternoon; a privilege of those who are retired and do not have to mix with the stressed tired workers at night. The row machines are rarely in use, the popular machines being the treadmills stair climbers and stationary bikes. This day the club was empty and I found my favorite row machine, the left one and sit down, strap in, and start rowing. I am far from the TVs but being farsighted I can still have an idea about what is happening on all the TVs-All My Children, CNN, Fox, and the Food Channel, all of which are simultaneously showing their shows on mounted TVs. Then it happens. A pack of two surrounds me They have stuff. Stuff is not allowed on the gym floor. Handbags, jackets, scarves, backpacks, all that must be stored in a locker. They are disregarding the rules. Their stuff is arranged on the floor around me. One woman takes the machine to my right and the other sits on this climbing device to my left-see above. I am in the middle on the row machine. I have become the center of what appears to to be a gym picnic. They then proceed to speak to each other over me while the three of us work out on our machines in an otherwise empty gym. I am mortified that I might be taken to be part of this gossipy stuff laden, rule ignoring pack. My only hope is that I can outlast them . It takes practice to row and few people can outlast me on first try. I knew I would be the last one rowing. After 10 minutes, they can not go on and gather up their belongings. Not even a goodbye to me-I, who was Pack leader in three pack.

Afternoon train, not crowded. When traveling to NYC I take non-peak both ways. Workers emit stress and worry vibes, that as a retiree, I try to avoid. The feelings emanating from those after a work day is a palpable "i want to be home, do not mess with me." I am in a three seater by the window. My seatmate is on the aisle and we have our handbags in the middle. Seems piggy, but with an empty train, LIRR culture permits using the middle seat for one's possessions.
Then it happens. My non peak ride is about to become peak. I smell it first, mellifluous, evocative of rotten eggs, sulfur, New Orleans in the summer; can this be a new perfume? Musk is bad enough, but eggs? Maybe this is perfume going "green." Environmentally friendly.
The smell producer is eyeing our middle seat. Why, why? There are entire rows free. The aisle person has to get up, keeps the aisle seat, new seatmate sits in the middle and takes out her lunch. Okay, now we know. Huge plate of roast pork egg foo young in Styrofoam (that gives it extra aroma.) She proceeds to eat this throughout my entire trip of 30 minutes. The odor, not smell (that is too pleasant an adjective) is overpowering. Thank goodness I am nicknamed Carol McSniff; an oxymoron for my smell tolerance- smells usually are not as sharp for me as for others.

Liam would have sniffed it out dived in her bag and wolfed it down right off her lap. Why did she have to be in the middle? Why, when there were other seats? Liam says, "the pack eats together." Pack leader first. Guess I was low on the pack hierarchy on the LIRR.

The Theater Pack
I go alone to the movies, whenever, wherever and to whatever film I want. Another perk of retirement. I go when no one else might be there.
However, it never fails that no matter where I sit, one, two or three people will surround me. If one had an aerial view of the inside of the theater, you would see a small group together and assume we were on a class outing Only scattered attendees in other seats.
More humans wanting to be together. Another pack, the movie theater pack.

Dogs and humans are much alike. We gravitate towards the pack. Some animals and humans even sleep together Liam ( appearing to have sleep apnea) Carol, bear and doll

Some definitions of pack from Merriam Webster:
pack-set of persons with a common interest (Theater pack)
group of individuals massed together (LIRR pack)
an organized unit (ICTU)
a group of predatory animals of the same kind (o
Crabtrees on a Friday night)
a concentrated mass (the gym)

Whatever, Liam enjoys the onset of fall, with a pack of scattered acorns, shadows are long
creeping towards house, Liam has a pack of acorns he hides, then pulls out for play
toys with it
woof, woof
Happy real fall next week