In the heat wave, Liam has learned cooling off involves keeping his tongue hanging
It has been happening for a while, this split in the family baseball loyalty between the Yankees and the Mets. During off season it is not so evident, as there are no games, just some stories here and there. No live games to haggle over. You see, Paul is a Met fan and I am a Yankee fan. Liam is straddling the slippery slope of loyalty to both parents.
I documented more of this in my blog story, dated 08/13/09 where I explored, explained and justified my reason for going to a Met game at Citi Field
Now this year I have a new challenge. I must get with watching both Yankee and Met games.
Liam hears a lot. Dog hearing is at least 4x what human hearing is and he hears that couples who spend time together stay together. So Liam wants an intact family unit. In his mind this means that we have to watch the Yankee/Met games together.
Paul does watch both, as most Met fans do. Why both? All Met fans love watching the Yankees, hating them the entire time they watch, hoping they lose and rejoicing in any bad calls and bad play.
They love the Mets because they might just win a game and simply because they are NOT the Yankees.
I have not been able to watch both teams, because I have not been able to espouse Paul's position of hating the opposition. Up 'til now the Mets are a YAWN. They do not even have a Captain!
Met Yawn illustrated by Liam next pic
Liam wants to bring us together in our game watching, so he did some research on how Mommy Carol and Daddy Paul come to our preferences. A brief family history of our connection with the teams:
History with Mets
Worked at Shea Stadium during college
Switched to Mets during mid 80's when she noticed Keith Hernandez #17
Was a crazed fan during their 1986 series
Switched back to Yankees after Keith retired
History with Yanks
Loved Mickey Mantle #7 as a child and all the Yankee teams of the 50's, 60's
saw the Mick play "live" in person
has been to Mickey's NYC restaurant
Bought a Ford Focus- Sawyer a.k.a. James Ford- Jeter is a Ford Spokesperson
History with Mets
National League fan because his father was
so naturally became a Met fan
BTW Carol's father was also a National League fan-Giants
History with Yankees
Likes to hate them
Called Derek's famous courageous dive into the stands "showboating"
Has been to Mickey's NYC restaurant
Bought a Ford Focus- Sawyer a.k.a. James Ford- Jeter is a Ford Spokesperson
No history with either, but
He harbors dreams of sitting with Keith in the broadcast booth since that involves barking (game analysis) and napping
next pic- Liam's dream of Keith and him in the broadcast booth-

Move over Jerry Seinfeld

Liam loves naps and Keith took a short one during a commercial break recently
and Liam loves to leap in the air

Liam is a Yankee/Met game dog
I have considered all Liam's research and I agree with Liam.
Although, Keith is no longer at first base, I can have him back now by watching the Mets, trying to catch a glimpse of him in the broadcast booth. Awake or asleep he is still handsome, smart, and funny.
Best of both worlds. I can have the Yankees and Derek

Liam can have both parents together on the couch.
Liam makes room on the couch for his parents for the Yankee or Met game
A Win, Win
A Woof, Woof