Thursday, August 25, 2011

Quacked while Tweeting during the Quake

Yes, we had an earthquake on the east coast.  No, I did not feel a thing. In case you were on vacay, read about it-
I was driving.  Seems if you were in a car, the motion of the car prevents quake motion.  At least that is what is being said. I tweeted at the first red light "earthquake here in NY" so I became part of the group of thousands of tweeters. I arrived at Starbucks late for my meeting with my friend but armed with a good excuse-earthquake. As I entered Starbucks, there was a crowd in the doorway. The quake had caused everyone to gather.  I  walked to where my friend was sitting.   She was engaged in a conversation with young woman who lived in Washington D.C. The woman was very concerned and upset.  We noticed a man nearby very immersed in his laptop.   I was told that he never looked up during the tremor. Odd.   Apparently it was quite noticeable in Starbucks. That was my first twinge of tremor envy, a term that NBC news anchor Shiba Russell coined later in the afternoon.!/Shiba4NY
I pulled out my IPAD and accessed Twitter to see what was happening. There were tweets from all the major news organizations and many individuals as well.   I left my IPAD open so we could update ourselves periodically.

It was not until much later that night that I noticed a strange message from one of the Twitter accounts I follow.  I ignored it.   Then about half past six on Wednesday all my followers got a few messages that I did not send.  I had been hacked. It had to have happened during the quake tweeting at Starbucks.  Like Shiba,  I also have coined an earthquake expression "I was quacked " (quake hacked)
I fixed it easily,thanks to a friend who alerted me early. The two following tweets are the work of my hacker.   I think the second is particularly hack witty. I deleted the links-they are bogus.  I am CBIZ on Twitter.

Carol McNiff

Carol McNiff

I know most of you did not get these, as you are not Tweeters.  Maybe you now have tweet envy.
I have decided my hacker is the Starbucks guy who was very disinterested in the quake.  I like to put a face on my hacker.  I do have 3G and will make sure I am not WIFI vulnerable again.
Dogs apparently sensed the quake before humans. Liam barked. How do I know?  He told me when I came home.  These dogs in Virginia barked also.

We know that the East coast has been made fun of for being so hyped up about the quake. Thing is-NYC and Wash DC are always thinking 9/11, especially in this month near the 10th anniversary. I know that is why hundreds of people ran out of their buildings downtown.
Conversely it is also why hundreds stayed put and did not get upset-

Next, Hurricane Irene.  Liam is on alert and I have to buy some wine and duct (duck) tape. Quack.
Woof, Woof