Liam and latte cup in front of Happy Buddha garden
Instant Karma's gonna get you,
Gonna knock you right on the head,
You better get yourself together,
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead,
What in the world you thinking of,
Laughing in the face of love,
What on earth you tryin' to do,
It's up to you, yeah you.
John Lennon
I have experienced some strange encounters with motor vehicles since I have become the owner of my new car, Sawyer, "James" Ford Focus. Sawyer (James Ford) being the fictional Lost character who did make it off the Island, and not Long Island.
I have had some crazy, chaotic, caustic Karma swirling about me. Lost's Sawyer was a contradiction in many ways but redeemed himself at the end and I am comfortable in having my Focus
Still there have been karmic Sawyer related happenings and this is why I have decided that for now my karma is spelled carma.
Definition of Karma
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit karma fate work
Date: 1827
1-the force generated by a person's actions.......... can be good and bad or both
partly from MW online
Definition of Carma
Function: noun
Etymology: incidents revolving around Sawyer, using Car as well as initial C for Carol
Date: 2010
1- reactions from people to me in my car, to me without my car and Sawyer's own force
Carma incident #1
Day 2 of driving Sawyer, one week ago, Thursday, June 17, 2010. I make a left turn into the Starbuck's parking lot from New Hyde park Road. This turning lane probably is too tiny and was just made so folks could get into the lot from what was once and properly just a 4 lane street, now expanded 6. I made it in, but had to stop at the entrance as several cars were backing out. When that happens, one is stuck at the entrance as there is zero room to squeeze past. Sassy might have tried it, but Sawyer is a tad more bulky.
As this is unfolding I hear that loud, revving of a motorcycle behind me and then a barrage of disgusting curses dealing only with a woman's body parts, looks and intelligence. This tirade is coming from a biker who has made the mistake of thinking he will zoom into the lot, ponytail flying. American flag flapping and his engine roaring all the way in. Well, he is now sticking out into New Hyde Park Road in oncoming traffic as I am blocking the entrance. The folks in the lot all are mortified by his language, actually his words should not be elevated to language. Anyway, the cars eventually back out and the entrance clears-as he speeds by he spits a few more curses at me. The parking lot is an inverted L; he disappears around the bend. I am shaking. I decide to find his bike and explain to him that his behavior is dangerous and disrespectful, certainly not worthy of the American Flag he is waving. He was not near his bike. I wait. No, he did not reappear while I was there. Guess it was best we did not meet on land away from our car/bike. I always think I can talk to people. Must be all those management courses and my belief in the tenets of my dog eared best selling books: Crucial Confrontations and Crucial Conversations.
Instant Karma's gonna get you,
Gonna knock you right off your feet,
Better recognize your brothers,
Ev'ryone you meet.
2-Carma incident #2
Sawyer seems to be dropping some liquid on the driveway. I do not notice this, Paul does. Paul specializes in car OCD, circling and checking our cars after and before each use. This is a good thing. I notice last Thursday night that Sawyer has a glass oblong tray under his front end. This is the tray we use for our signature roasted root veggies at Thanksgiving The liquid collecting in it resembles fine olive oil, actually just like what we would sprinkle on our signature dish. Paul cleverly transfers the liquid to an environmentally unfriendly Starbucks plastic cup and now we have what could pass for a urine sample.
3- Carma Incident #3
I call our cab company Tuesday afternoon about 2:15PM. They say 20 minutes, my appt is at 3 in Old Westbury, a trip that using the hypotenuse method of traveling gets me there in 15 minutes. The cab arrives promptly. But the Carma is not good. All the windows are completely rolled down, meaning no AC. He makes no eye contact, even when I tell him where we are headed. He has WFAN on the radio blasting. Cabbie declares he has no idea where Old Westbury is. I offer to guide him. There are not many turns, but each time I have to give another instruction I have to pound the seat as the radio and wind are so loud that my voice is rendered unhearable. Add that to his annoyance that I am interrupting Mike Francesa's call-in radio show. By the time we arrive in Old Westbury my hair is standing upright from the constant lashing of the wind which is hot and uncool. We do arrive in Old Westbury at 2:55 Pm, appt at 3PM.
My doctor is at the end of a dead end road -in upscale communities the phrase "dead end" is replaced by "no outlet" I say "stop by the green mailbox." The driver keeps going, pulls into the next driveway and stops. I gently announce "Well you passed it, but you have to turn around anyway, so no harm done." I sound chirpy, which makes his response churlish "I heard nothing about green, I heard cream." Well of course you heard cream, with the wind, the radio and your total inattentiveness why would you hear me? He condescends to drive to the correct house (he had to go by anyway) I then say "should I make another call when I am done?" I suppose I envisioned myself on the Amazing Race, where the contestants always have the cabs waiting. He smirks "You will not get anyone to come out here" What!
Bad Carma.
How in the world you gonna see,
laughin' at fools like me,
Who on earth d 'you think you are
A super star
Sawyer is home. Biker not there today at Starbucks, Thursday, one week anniversary.
I did get home from Old Westbury via another cab company used by the doctor's staff, air conditioned, cheaper, and professional.
Well we all shine on,
Like the moon and the stars and the sun.
Yeah we all shine on,
On and on and on on and on.
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