The weekly food shopping chore for me was back to Sunday this week. King Kullen seemed a bit more crowded this time. I decided that it was due to daylight savings time assaulting our cozy sleep the night before; propelling people out to shop in the extended daylight and warmth. The weekly food shopping is a team effort. Paul (editor of LiamLicks) prepares the list and I (writer of LiamLicks ) do the physical act of shopping. Understood is that if I notice a weekly staple missing from the list I get the item. This trip I did notice an omission. Salad greens, a staple. I also remembered a conversation the night before- Paul was preparing his Saturday special meal list-a shopping trip completely pleasurable, separate and not a "chore". Paul, "will you be having salad with dinner? My mind envisions a towering treat

Next day at the store I did notice salad was not on the list. I thought it was too obvious, a trick of some kind. I rationalize its omission by the conclusion that since I did not have salad last night there must be an abundance of greens remaining. I make the decision not to pick up the salad greens and am at peace with it. I have an an easy shopping day, no trouble in the aisles and the songs played mercifully do not include My Boy Lollipop and These Eyes; I get to hear Soldier Boy, Walking in the Rain and South Street.-these songs tug me back to a sweet part of my life. All is good. I return and Paul announces there was a big omission "Let's see if you caught it." No, I did not right any wrongs on this trip, no good Samaritan here, not my job, dude, this girl has to carry all the stuff, why do I have to make list corrections also? Nevertheless, salad is important for the evening and for the next day's lunch. Paul still works and lunch comes from home. "I'll go back" I say, sort of weakly. "No don't" Paul answers, not really convincingly. "No, I will" in a whisper. " You don't really mind, do you?" I recognize this form of the question, termed a "negative leading question," where the person feels they must answer with a negative reply. I am not immune to its power. I am sucked in. "No, I do not mind."
I am in KK, get the salad greens, add some plant spikes

Then the drama/comedy/farce begins. Woman (hottie)

Not Fair

I have a secret. I do not mind what happens, I write about it.
The 20 items of the 20-item women are paid for and packed. The teenager begs for a bag of chips, which Mom allows her to get while we all wait. I sigh very loudly, cashier mouths in my direction- I am sorry-the chips become the 21st item. The 21-item Mom and daughter finally are done and leave. I try to shoot my disgusted thoughts toward their disappearing backs. They do not turn around.
Hottie's item is rung up. But wait. Where did all her bags come from? Was the cheese just a tease? the tip of the iceberg? She had more?

My turn. Cashier is very friendly. We have that casual cashier/costumer relationship. She has gotten a haircut-looks fab-but I withhold my compliment. This parsimonious act of "compliment withholding" diminishes me; I know that very well, but consider me diminished by this small minded act. Cashier let the 21-item woman on the express line. My revenge on the cashier is to let her new haircut go unnoticed by a serial complimenter-me.

There is one family, one cart of 20 items-if they divide their items into 2 purchases of 10 a piece, is that okay for the express line?
There is one person with 20 items who alleges he/she is buying for a house-bound friend -so each sale of 10 is rung up and paid for separately, is that okay for the express lane? Is an invisible friend acceptable?
Do ten bottles of coke and 5 cans of peas count as 2 items (cause 10 cokes are the same species, as are 5 cans of peas, or are they 15 stand alone items?
If you only have one item and the person on front of you has 10, should he/she offer to let you go in front of him/her? Should you ask?
If those reading "The Star" and "In Style" finish the articles before reaching the cashier, should they be liable for payment?
Feel free to comment-Liam is waiting