Thursday, May 9, 2013

The First Saturday in May

The first Saturday in May is traditionally the Run for the Roses, the Kentucky Derby. This year there is a woman jockey, Rosie Napravnik, a Jersey girl.  I am betting on her.
This first Saturday in May is also a Run and it is to benefit women's cancers. The Revlon Run/Walk- its acronym EIFRRW written out is- Entertainment Industry Foundation Revlon Run Walk. This link explains it.
Liam checks out this year's tee shirt-the words against and women's cancers are clearly visible.
We are doing it in a united team of hope captained by breast cancer survivor, Lori Phair. She is a woman to bet on for sure.
I am on the 7:35 LIRR train to Penn Station with a group of other participants-many wrapped in pink and some already bibbed with their numbers. Somehow I have managed to go out to Crabtree's last night, party and now am ready for this event. Sort of my pre-race version of pasta loading, except with wine and dinner.

I am wearing my jeans jacket and its 6 pockets are crammed. No bags, backpacks are permitted at the event so my jacket has a lot of work to do.  I have a gift latte waiting with a friend at Penn. I have Lori's book and will have a boa and a baseball cap once we meet up with the team at 45th and Broadway. The train arrives on time and with lattes in hand we start walking uptown.

A chilly windy dark walk to Times Square. Daylight blocked by the tall glassy buildings. I am layered so no problem at all. Bracing. Fun. Alive.
Liam is cozy at home with pillow, papers (his paws are too big for the touch pads of reading devices) and he waits for this year's boa. He will not have latte licks today though. My drink cup is in NYC.

We are there! Let the picture snapping begin. Striking a pose in photo at right. That's me on the left publicizing Lori's book, Rack Cancer and hiding my latte behind it so there is no competition for your visual attention. I have blog-featured her book previously. This is its first time attending the race. Here is Lori's donor page and her words about why she walks.


The opening speeches begin, nice to see Emma Stone and Olivia Wilde back again, and then the Star Spangled Banner focuses the crowd. Then "We're off!" As each team shows up on the big screen we cheer.
The team is singing "Livin' on a Prayer"...yes Bon Jovi, the Jersey boy, is with us, at least his song is. Our theme song and team name is a line from this song....the line is...We're Half Way There. And here is a treat, the video of Bon Jovi singing "Livin' on a Prayer" from the 12/12/12 Sandy Relief concert. We sounded just like him
Why this song?  Lori is a Bon Jovi fan. The story is further explained in her book. See more on Lori's author page

As we round the first turn and head into the park the sun hits us, startling and brilliant. It feels 20 degrees warmer. No garbage cans anywhere. No hidden horrors. Event people hold clear plastic bags in which we can place our garbage. A personal connection as we dispatch our drink cups.

Around the stretch we come! We have spread out and bunched up during the walk but now we are all nearing the finish together with our boa rimmed team sign always showing the way.

As each team approaches the finish line they are announced. And so are we.

We're Half Way There is a winner!
A rousing unifying day. I sort of feel high.
Words on our tee shirts  
walk  cancer  women's
survivors  NEW YORK  Revlon  CELEBRATING  times square fun

We again end up on the east side even after asking a policeman how to get back to the west side. I am sure he pointed the way we chose. Central Park. A tricky place. Where is The Dakota when you need a landmark? A reward of margaritas (it is almost Cinco de Mayo) at Tracks and then home.

Next up, the Kentucky Derby. The race goes off a little after 6:30.  Rosie on her horse Mylute finishes 5th. The highest finish ever by a woman.  Progress. And she was right with the top pack, only 3 and  1/2 lengths back. A woman will win someday soon.
There is always hope.

Liam was home. There were dogs at the walk. They were sniffing out danger for us.  Liam would have been sniffing for squirrels. Liam supports the walk by submitting to neck leis
Woof, woof