Thursday, May 5, 2016

Green is Good

My Locker
I have a fave locker at the health club. Most members do. Mine is #29. Its main attraction is a central location to bathrooms, seating and hairdryers.

Those adjacent are also prime but a titch less so. On a recent Sunday I open my #29  and am surprised to find a jacket hung inside. No lock. We are urged to secure our belongings with a combination or key lock. I guess this member feels her jacket is not at risk of theft. Okay, I cannot use my fave locker today. I have a vague disquiet over my loss. We members are territorial. And observers of routine. I regroup. I place my bags, coat and accessories in the locker to the right... locker #31. I head out to the gym floor. Yay! My fave row machine is free! We have a new pair of row machines. Most rowing members prefer the machine on the right. It is not in a path to the day care as is its mate, so no traffic on either side...flanks protected. And its location affords a better view of the newly installed wide screen TVs. I lower myself on to my machine, strap in, and start my half hour trip.

The Confrontation
As I near the end of my session I am approached by two young women. Their expressions expectant and inquiring. One nearest me leans down, holds out her phone and asks "Are these your things?" I am looking at a photo of the insides of a locker. And yes, I see my jacket, boots, scarf, bag.

I am confused. Why does she have a photo of my belongings? I had put them inside and locked them up. She explains she returned to the locker she was using and found it locked. Hers is #29. The lock on it is green. She checked the next locker and saw it was full but unlocked. It had a green bag. She reasoned that whoever had put the lock on hers was this person because this member liked green and probably had a bag to match the lock. Really? What an analysis! She should be a jury profiler.  You may notice my green bag has Carol inscribed on it. (it is a kid's sense of humor) Readers, this might be an important clue as to how these women cracked the case. The lead questioner says they further hypothesized that the person who used a green lock and a green bag might be wearing green exercise clothing. Really? I am upgrading their occupations.These two might be detectives...and I AM wearing green. And it is NOT my usual exercise outfit. 

Wearin' O the Green
Though green is my fave color I have been trying to incorporate other colors into my wardrobe. The green perception will take a while to dispel. I suspect folks think we dress in green all the time.
We don't. However, I am glad I am wearing green today...leaving my belongings exposed and unlocked for the duration of my workout would have been in apparent defiance of the rules and  tempting for anyone looking to increase their green wardrobe. Of course had the member using #29 used a lock I would not have locked her locker up in the first place.
So it is her fault.
My bad. I must focus. And wear green as a backup for my mindlessness.
Do you think there is more to this story? 
As I was leaving, my head down to avoid confrontation, I see one of my green detectives manning the front desk. A new employee? Oh, the two are not here together?
What if the member using #29 went to the front desk with her locked locker dilemma? I am a regular and I have a lime green bag advertising my name. It has been noticed by staff. Carol with the green bag. She shows her phone pic. They recognize the bag, figure it is mine and check the sign in...we all sign in with a card scan..."yes, she is here" Where on the health club floor would I be? The staff  knows I row. Bingo. The employee accompanies the member straight to the row machine. I am found.
Easy deduction. Did it happen this way? I don't know.

I do know going green is good.

Go Green
Green is good.
A Green glow is an environmentally supportive look in an increasingly ecologically minded world.
Glow Green


And that's a writing wrap as well.
Readers, I will be traveling this month. The Hawaiian Islands. LiamLicks will be on hiatus and return in June. Liam will be staying at home with his Daddy. Liam and I write the blog as a team and he'll wait until I return for our next installment.

Woof, Woof