Wednesday, December 29, 2021

And Just Like That...


It has been 14 years since we made the trip to North Shore Animal League and found a muscular black puppy no one wanted; the light colors and spotted and white being the preferred canine colors.  I was not aware of the black dog syndrome. The black dogs are the last to be selected in shelters and average a much longer stay. I did not know I was supposed to prefer other dog colors. 

If my dog were a male, I knew his name would be Liam ...after actor Liam Neeson.  Not Liam Hemsworth. We are baby boomers here. 

From the beginning Liam was his own person, as my mother Ruth said. On the ride home from Animal League he sat in my lap and looked out the window. He did not snuggle, lick my face or get cozy. He sat erectly and curiously watching the passing scenery..

Liam would not sit, roll over or fetch a ball. NSAL instructors came and tried.  We had a 9 week training course at Best In Show Pet Resort. Liam failed. In fact, the last week the instructor said "lets be like Liam and do what we want.'

Liam is my first dog. I knew little about dog world.

What I should do or expect.

As an illustration of my ignorance, have a look at this vignette.

I thought dogs pooped only in the yard and that was it.  Liam and I went out on a late winter's afternoon in 2008, a month after his adoption, and walked a lot... as we neared our house on the return walk, Liam crouched down.  I thought he was sitting and I stopped with him...we then crossed the street to our house and entered our side door...a few minutes later my neighbor knocked. He said "your dog pooped in front of my house." "No, my dog would not do that." I indignantly replied.  I walked back across the street with my neighbor to prove him wrong. Sure enough there was a poop where Liam had sat. I came back with a bag and retrieved it. 

People later explained to me that one always must expect pooping to occur on the walk. That's the point of the walk. Oh, did not know. I had only had turtles, fish and parakeets. They don't go for walks.


Liam was 5 months old when we adopted him. His birthday is August 1, 2007. So he is approaching 14 1/2 on February 1, 2022.. DNA has shown he is equal parts Irish Setter, Doxie, Beagle, Dalmatian. A rescue from Tennessee.


 chews on everything

 hides under the bed

terrified of storms and of fireworks



Chases squirrels and birds
loves Starbucks
does not play with dog toys 


chases kitties
 grooms his wolf plushies
runs incredibly fast



JANUARY 1, 2022


does not fetch

does not cuddle

does not wear sweaters or neckties


does like rolling in the grass

does like sniffing on walks

does like to snuggle


 "He is his own person"-Ruth McNiff


woof, woof

Sunday, November 7, 2021

yogurt choices

 Liam loves yogurt

I had not bought any in a while

a yoga friend had been encouraged to incorporate Greek yogurt into her diet...another yoga friend is an expert on Greek and was asked

suggestions were made of Greek brands

Liam and I decided to join in there were 4 of us

 an-initial purchase included two Icelandic whose claims seemed to put them on par with the Greek...but an intruder made its way in...a flavored Oikos had to be discounted not only because we are are doing plain but because it contained stevios a plant based sugar sub that I find leaves an aftertaste reminiscent of saccharine

and our impressions on consistency and feel

        Chobani creamy fluffy

oikos tangy chunky

fage  smooth pudding

  Icelandic Provisions  buratta cheese

siggi's  dense rich

first three Greek

second two Icelandic

 these were tried because of their high protein, calcium, nutritional values and no additives 

Liam licking and 

collage of his choices following


What Is Greek Yogurt?

 Greek yogurt is essentially regular yogurt (made from milk that’s been cultured and then fermented) that’s been strained. Through this straining process, whey (the watery part of milk that remains after curds form) is very slowly drained, resulting in a much thicker consistency than regular yogurt. It also means it is higher in protein concentration and lower in sugar than most standard American yogurts. You can find full-fat versions, as well as low-fat and non-fat varieties out there.

I have been to Greece 


want to go to Iceland

What Is Skyr?

Icelandic skyr (pronounced skeer) might be newer to you, but it’s been an important part of Icelandic food culture for over 1,000 years and has started to crop up in the States in a big way in recent years (popular brands include Siggi's,, and Icelandic Provisions). It is an Icelandic-style strained yogurt that’s even thicker and more densely concentrated than Greek yogurt. Icelanders will tell you that true, Icelandic skyr is not actually yogurt at all but instead, it’s categorized as a cheese. Traditionally, skyr involves heating skim milk and then adding old skyr cultures. Curds will form and then the whey is drained for many hours until there’s a thick, sour skyr.

and link

Bring it


woof woof

Sunday, September 19, 2021

A new reason to live

Liam loves the 6 tabbies 

Loves to chase

To dream 

To hunt 

If you need any refreshers about what 's been happening

here is the recent blog story link

easy peasy to skim and catch up

 portrait of the Pack

and the gathering

the  hunt



for meals

see the 6 gathering top photo



Liam is inches away on the other side of the door

when they hear his hard head hit the door they scoot off into different directions

i check that they are safely out of reach and open the door

Liam darts off at full speed on his new bionic leg

does his investigations

sometimes finds a hidden tabby

gives chase and  misses

then happily gallops around the yard in ecstatic exuberant joy

These siblings have given Liam a reason to gallop, sniff, explore, and enjoy new cuisine, now mixed with his own and ours...

he adores cat food, our food

his food and cheese

we believe all these new activities enhance and extend his life


and in his 15th year around the sun, Liam has the best life

an indoor cushy home and an outdoor adventure land

woof, woof

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Liam is14

and he made it through


TPLO surgery

feral cats





his first joyful rollie

in case you missed the story of his injury or would be interested in a refresher 

here is the blog story about it

and the next blog story has his surgery and recovery

both quick easy reads

lots of photos for those time-stressed folks 

and now Liam can do his regular activities

one of which is illustrated in the captioned photostitch following

  "The Lone wolf dies

 but the pack survives"

Game of Thrones



and we are a community now

they are no longer ferals

they permit petting, stroking . holding of their heads and eating from my hand.

Liam, Colin, Tabby Bold, Tabby Bent Ear, Tabby Pink Nose, Tabby Red and Tabby White Foot

I adopted Colin last July. His mother delivered him.  Had him neutered.

Then to my shock during a December 2020 snowstorm kittens tumbled out of Colin's outdoor house I had built. Colin had taken them in.,,I tried not feeding the kitties but Colin brought them every day. Then an anonymous animal activist had them neutered,,,one or two would disappear for a few days and then return with tipped ears...the sign to the world that a cat has been fixed. 

 Thank you to whomever did that.

Liam remains the Leo Lion King

rules the yard and its surroundings

the kittens have given him a new found love of exploring the yard and using his hound sniffing talents

I know this joy enhances his day and adds quality time to his senior life


I hope that one day he will love his kitty siblings

until then though

 it is quite a show

Liam sniffs for the kitties

the kitties stalk the birds

and the birds 

peck and dislodge

one another

squirrels scoop up the birdseed

all drink out of the birdbath

Happy 14th Liam

woof. woof

Sunday, May 16, 2021

surgery happened


and the TPLO surgery happened 4/20/2021 after a month long wait for our traveling surgeon Tony Kahn

Injury occurred on Friday March 19, 2021

here is an explanation of what Liam had 

I did not realize how common and how serious this surgery and surgery is until Liam had to do it.

refresher for those who did not see the injury story and who want a refresher

Liam severely injured himself chasing our feral kitten Tabby White Foot ripping his ccl and meniscus 

see the tapestry of IG posts from GCVC and our exchanges while Loam rehabbed there 


Paul has slept downstairs since March 20 to be close to Liam
I am already down here so both parents are here
we have blockades on all the furniture 

for two weeks

we did not leave the house together in order to monitor Liam

this even involved missing an in person Friday Night at Crabtrees on his first week home 

Friday April 30 we did Crabtrees's Curbside

A stitched montage of Liam's recuperating

Good Vet report 5/4

Liam hears it

Paul got up from his couch seat and went into the kitchen  

Liam saw an opening and jumped up next to the pile of books that had just been covering the spot

First two photos are Liam's sneaky jumps up

we then waited until he slid down the couch and reinstalled more obstacles

note RBG pillow glaring down third photo

the current situation

a few more weeks

no, not a few more weeks

we succumb

Liam is way too wily 

RBG did NOT do her job..

.Liam embraced her...was mot intimidated...


May 18, 2021

Liam's final checkup...He is a super dog...Doctor Polley GCVC founder and head doctor escorted Liam back out of the office personally and greeted us with our bouncing 13 3/4 year old TPLO surgery survivor and thriver. Liam is doing remarkably well...we are instructed to keep doing what we are doing, Which of course involves undoing the reinstated permissions of couch surfing and long walks and cat chasing.  "Take it slow, don't go crazy. a quote."  says Dr Polley

proud of our quick healing boy. The DNA mix of Doxie, beagle, Irish setter and dalmatian must have propelled his body and mind to get it done

Thank you to all for your support during this unexpected blip in Liam's life

You shared your stories

 sent your love


got us through

All of you

woof, woof

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Liam is injured

 Friday night March 19, 2021.. Liam chased one of the kittens at full speed. Tore a ligament in his back left leg. We went to the emergency Vet 0n Saturday
Back story 
We have a neutered outdoor cat Colin. 
see refresher story link here
Colin adopted 4 kittens. They are not yet fixed.  We are careful to keep Liam and the kitties separate but Friday night March 20 Liam spotted one of them and took chase at full throttle. And that’s when he injured himself.
Meet the kitties descending order from the top
Tabby Bent Ear
Tabby White Foot
Tabby Bold 
Tabby Pink Nose

It was Tabby White Foot he chased. And who got away easily.

early Saturday morning March 20

Liam could not get to his poochie bells which hang on the side doorknob
So he pee'd on the floor
Then he banged his head against the door to wake us up
Paul woke up and carried him out 
We called our Vet and were told they were soon closing. It was a Saturday. And Garden City Vet has limited hours on the weekend
They refereed us to VEG 
Veterinary Emergency Group.. a nationwide Urgent pet care network and its closest location was Carle Place
see link following

The emergency vet Dr Robert Gonzalez is the best
caring and kind 
He said that the ligament is really torn off the bone 
Not close to being a benign self repair
Which is why he thinks it has to be repaired surgically 
I was hoping it would reattach with rest
not a chance
our testimonial and their response

Liam is resting 
He can hop on three legs
The pain meds kicked in Saturday night March 20
 our regular Vet Dr Polley saw Liam on  Wednesday and Thursday March 24th and 25th
He did blood work to make sure Liam is okay for surgery 
sedated him for X rays
blood work okay
took two days because Liam was traumatized by the attempts at X rays
It seems like surgery is the way to go
Injury severe yet common and easily fixable 
it is a cranial cruciate ligament CCL tear like the ACL in humans
here is some info
If not fixed arthritis may set in and really hobble Liam
The kneecap no longer anchored 
Bone on bone
leg will wobble as he walks 
Will exacerbate further if he runs 
then transfer to right leg as he puts weight on that to relieve his left leg discomfort
and totally incapacitate him

surgery scheduled for April 20th
visiting surgeon first available then
we are okay with the wait
these doctor visits have been rough for Liam
his anxiety off the charts
thank you Doctor Polley and staff for your attention and dedication
comprehensive explanations
caring observations
hopeful outlook 
and obvious love for Liam

we want our Liam dog back and want to ensure he has a chance at some more 
jumping years

woof woof

Sunday, February 28, 2021

It's Been a Year


MARCH 1 2020

       since I have

 been on the LIRR

since I have

seen NYC as we approach

       since I have

seen my SSA work building as we ride by through Jamaica

since I have

purchased e tickets on my phone  

 since I have

accumulated Fitbit steps as I walk the platform waiting



and then it was time to head in to NYC 







 Liam illustrates Covid positions and activities






and there it is

my e ticket

the train

the trip

the workplace

the city

see stitched captioned photos following

 Penn Station



e ticket

and the next round of stitched photos

heading back






To my friend Jim McGrath


FB Covid site volunteers on NYC and Long Island 

Marty Oppenheim 

Moderator NYC

for our vaccines

Paul at Rite Aid (Long Island Covid group)

 and me

at Javits (Jim)

niece Elizabeth at Javits (NYC Covid group)

Liam has had many vaccines


not Covid 


Mr Rogers famously said

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

Fred Rogers


thank you to the helpers 

they are there

find them

and thank them

Woof, Woof


Vax 2


I left a note...with many others

far left, solo

second with my board's group

third with the two boards of thanks

Liam howled in joy


and I posted my experience to the NYC FB Covid Volunteers Group 

woof, woof, woof, woof

Sunday, January 31, 2021

In Pandemic all is celebrated

Liam turns 13 1/2 on Monday February 1, 2021

we  are recognizing it in the blog

In the pandemic all events are celebrated...inside the home and many  outside the home

Lawn signs for 







  moving on

 coming home

  see the following link

car parades





We first did this two years ago at 11 1/2
here is a refresher link

         no lawn signs for us but a mutual Leo acknowledgment that every day is a day of importance
Liam keeps his mind off the pandemic with frequent naps and the
licking of the cream off my caramel; nitro brew Starbucks drink, center photo