walk with Me...It's not physical anymore
but we can do it
Liam taught me in his death
there is another world of grief and loss and love and understanding and shared pet parent stories
and I am in it
and totally moved by the expressions of sympathy and solidarity through the condolence gifts and cards we have received
see collages below
gifts and cards
and generous donations in Liam's name to Animal League and to Greater Good
and the hundreds of Social Media messages on Insta, FB and Twitter (X) as well texts and emails
I received Liam's paw prints and Paw impression from our Vet through Pet Meadow
Unexpected...my first time...I did not know...New Year's Eve 12/31/24
Liam came back
I was
I created a thank You collage
my thank you collage to Garden City Vet whose staff and Doctor Buscemi
signed personal notes see top left

oh and the house
the mess at the end
Home Hospice is a commitment and a gift and a full out cleaning job
rugs and floor and couch
Liam had bleeding lipomas and half the time could not make it outside to do his business
we will rip up the rug, get new furniture and have the floors cleaned: all of it doable
the furniture is very old
thank you Liam for propelling us to get rid of this stuff that Stanley Steemer refused to clean
the last night and day and minute of Liam's life
Liam had a bleeding lipoma on his face
people shared their coping mechanisms and what they did to memorialize
special tribute walls
garden stones and flowers
tabletops with ashes and photos
I liked these ideas
I made a
Liam tribute nook and populated it with Liam themed memorabilia
I like touching his collar
I took it off his neck immediately before his death and was surprised to see a bald neck ring
of course no hair grew there
never knew
I put my fingers in his paw print and smile at his inked paw prints
"Liam, you got inked!"
I gaze on the shells, rocks, pothos plant in a gifted vase
all collected and meaningful items
some of you will recognize your contributions
thank you
I talk to Liam
I do
My first born
My first dog
who made me a

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woof, woof