Sunday, July 28, 2019

Leo Birthday Boy is12

Liam turns 12 on August 1, 2019


 some happenings recorded in LiamLicks for his 12th year
Liam honoring Tony

The last of Tony Bourdain's shows aired in the fall of 2018
Liam and I loved him and miss him deeply
we wrote a Tony tribute
and then took off to Parts Unknown for a new walking route


to check out a growth on Liam's right shoulder
a cone was around his neck
I had to cut it to shorten it
then I purchased a soft one...plaid
then I took it off when a neighbor told me Liam could not lick his shoulder

was a benign fibroma
refresher link follow

Starbucks drinks
 I kept switching my Starbucks drinks
 could not find one I would stick to...
Liam was there all the way...sampling and lusting after my choices

an iced grande cappuccino
Game of Thrones
After 10 years of avoiding Game of Thrones we joined in and watched all episodes
 in 3 weeks nod to GoT
We could not be left out of this global phenomenon 
Liam adopted two direwolves to add to his pack...The two living ones out of the original 6
don't know them
meet them

A new pack of Direwolves

Ghost/ Jon Snow
 Nymeria/ Arya Stark
The lone wolf dies but the pack survives


Toe Tackling

New way of affection
Liam is not a lap dog
he is a foot dog
I am not a fan of feet
do not like showing them but Liam does

I keep my feet presentable with a weekly pedicure. I don't like bare feet.

I researched and find it actually has a name. I don't think my dislike approaches a phobia. I merely rather not look

See link

Outside Fun


Dream Delivered
And then I got My Dream Delivered

Carol's Cab Cove
cab=Cabernet wine

read about it
again or for the first time if you missed it

thank you to Benchmark 
signs for its creation and to my cousin Barbara McNiff for the name
Liam has not yet accepted the CCC
he stands outside the door...see top middle photo
in the following collage

he prefers to hang with his direwolves inside

the photo bottom left is during a fierce storm
and Liam sought comfort from me
because I was sitting out
enjoying the glorious whacks of thunder

I hope he will join me more often
Out in Carol's Cab Cove

 blog goes on

 and Liam's year long writing of stories
in his eponymous blog
On a pace to beat last year's total of 21
but will never match the high of 50 in 2012
and that's okay
A 12 year old boy
Woof, woof