attempted to de-squeak Wolfie and pup months ago. However, the two-in-one toy is not a squeaker toy but a close representation of a mother wolf and baby. The tag says "Mommy Wolf and baby." They are sewn together.Usually Liam commits the sqeaker removal surgery immediately. Done concurrently is de-nosing. I have a drawer full of little button-like objects that were once noses on doggie toy animals. When the operation is
done, the next step is to begin shredding and tearing until toy fur tufts are all over the floor. This did not happen with the toy wolf pack of two.We do not name the squeaker toys as
they have a short existence. Better to keep an emotional distance. Not so with
wolf pack. Mom and baby have been with us for over a year. It might be time to commit to names for these two. Most times Liam
peacefully coexists with the pair as they nestle half hidden behind the loveseat pillow. Recently though if Paul and I are talking, Liam will then
race to the love seat, pluck the Wolfies from their pillow perch and embrace them
not desert them
need loving care lick sniff parents can be so cold
hug rest cuddle
guess he is showing he has a friend to talk to also.
Curious this play
only occurs when Paul and I are sitting next to each other on the couch and I
am telling Paul a story. It really does not happen that often because usually Liam will insert himself between us and give me his back while
offering Paul his paw. Each of us then stops talking and watches TV or
reads. So we are trained.
He's got a friend.
Thinking of a song? As a tribute to Carole King and her Gershwin Award Liam asked that we include her
classic "friend" song...Bet you were all humming it already, right? Take a listen, you'll be singing along also...
week Carole King became the first woman to be honored with the Gershwin
Award for popular song by the Library of Congress. If you don't know much about is the link
The catalog of songs she wrote for
others comprises an astonishing array of hits. She is an
involved caring person...take a look at her website
and she has a Facebook page
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