Liam's Leap 2/29/08. The year 2008 was a leap year, meaning it had a February 29 and in 2008 it fell on a Friday. It was the day that a leashed Liam leaped for a squirrel sending me crashing into the concrete pavement. Ouch! My cheekbone absorbed the blow as it was meant to -Doctor Lee of Stat Med told this. The injury did not fully disappear until July, 2008. But what a vivid palette of colors were displayed! See photo I took on my blackberry the day after-up to the right.
My Eye Evolves
I framed the eye.

I use it as my cell phone pic.

I seemingly have inspired friends to play with it in photographs. below are some incredible shots from a talented SSA retiree. Thanks Ken-link to his work below

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
And The Change We Need (or I need)
I have enjoyed writing and sharing Liam Licks for the past 13 months. The time has come to change the way I do it.
Things have changed with AOL mail, with Word, with copying and pasting. AOL will not send out the copied newsletter from Word anymore -this is the way I have written LiamLicks for the past 13 months-I write in word and copy into an e mail, so all can view. AOL will not send out this way anymore. So, last week I sent a word doc in 2 versions, some got it -no problem, others played with it and got it to work and still others just gave up in frustration. It took me 5 hours to write and prepare, a joy for me all week. But 3 hours to send UGH, no. The joy of the prep was severely diminished by the transmission; coupled with feeling the readers' pain-change is necessary.
So, I have made a leap on the approaching anniversary of Liam's Leap
I have become a blogger. I have a blog called Liam Licks. You can access, sign in and follow. If you are reading this, you did, welcome. Nothing pleases a first born Leo more than having followers.
LL will be posted to my Facebook profile page. the NEPSC retiree website (links, if approved) and the SNT website (links)- for those belonging to any or all of those applications. You can blog in when you choose. For those who will never think of it- I will send you the link each week as before, on Thursday for Friday or on Friday.
I have become a blogger. I have a blog called Liam Licks. You can access, sign in and follow. If you are reading this, you did, welcome. Nothing pleases a first born Leo more than having followers.
LL will be posted to my Facebook profile page. the NEPSC retiree website (links, if approved) and the SNT website (links)- for those belonging to any or all of those applications. You can blog in when you choose. For those who will never think of it- I will send you the link each week as before, on Thursday for Friday or on Friday.
I hope you all come with me
"For the world has changed, and we must change with it"
Barack Obama-1st Inaugural Address
Barack Obama-1st Inaugural Address
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