Saturday, October 27, 2018


My ENT doctor asked if I were a cokehead

Do you know what it is?

As a child I was known as Carol McSniff to the ENT doctors in Manhattan
I spent a great deal of time there
I had trouble breathing
had frequent long lasting drippy colds
they removed my tonsils and adenoids
no change
I missed a lot of school
It goes on

in my twenties I discovered a miracle spray
and as I do with items I love I overused until my nose swelled and nostrils closed and I had to wean myself off
This is it
I gradually went back to my usual stuffed nose and colds and slogged through life as Carol McSniff

When I turned 50 I joined AARP. They suggested tuning up your chassis. I made some wellness appointments... and one was a visit to a new nasal issues were still there...

My doctor upon looking up my nose asked
"are you a cokehead?"

no, I was not a cokehead

I knew what it meant

I said "why do you ask?"

He told me I had a hole in my septum...that is the grizzle in the middle of your nose between the nostrils which holds your two nostrils together and keeps your nose from falling flat on your face

official definition

Definition of septum:

a dividing wall or membrane especially between bodily spaces or masses of soft tissue

cokeheads suffer from this hole in the septum issue
I told him I never had the opportunity to sniff up the white stuff
had I been offered
I am sure I would have tried it

become addicted as happens with me

I told him of my ferocious prolonged irresponsible Afrin use
Yep, he agreed my abuse of it could have caused it

He recommended Neti pot
for nasal irrigation
is the mantra for
crusty bloody noses like mine
here it is

and its uses

I tried
several times
the using of it nearly drowned me as it went from one side to another and down my throat not out my nostrils
it is supposed to go up the nostril and come down
since I have a big hole across mine the water went down my throat and I choked


At some point I noticed my nose had fallen
become crooked and wider
I guess with no support it is falling and within a few years may lay flat on my face

I recently decided I should fix it
and maybe get a designer nose
should I request one of these noses?
Liam illustrates nose choices

but it sounds dangerous and possibly fatal
see story
should I risk my life for a nose?
so I remain with a wider crooked flat nose
and dream of my nose when I was young
see photo left
Liam and I
young pups

Me on the left and Liam right
puppies with erect noses
older, bigger and flatter
 and wider

Woof, woof


  1. Kieran thinks your nose is cute - just like everything else about you. However, I also had major sniffles most of my life. This stopped about 10 years ago when my GP suggested I use a spray called flonase. His reason was to adjust one of the white cell components in my blood. It did that job, but it also cleared up my congestion. The original recommendation was 2X per day. That gave me nosebleeds, so I dropped to once daily. Bloodwork got better, as did my nosal breathing. (I don't have a nase; I have a nose!) And when I try to sing, I can hit lower notes than before. But I suspect with the hole in the septum, you need more help than flonase could provide. Just leave the outside of your cute little nose just the way it is. xoxo - Kieran

  2. a fellow sniffler! wow
    Thank you for the nose compliment
    I will look into Flonase
    and I enjoyed your nosal pun...quite Kieran
    appreciate you posting

  3. I didn't think of that as a pun; just correcting a word that should never have gotten into the language (IMHO, anyway!)
