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LIAM IS 10 |
For a few consecutive Wednesdays I have had dates with the Vietnam Vets of America. Their uniformed drivers come down our block, walk to our porch and carry away items from my former life.
here is their link
http://www.wepickup.org/My former life would be the one I lived before my September 26, 2016 sigmoid colectomy surgery. I have written several blog stories about the experience. My new life created from a colon. If you want a refresher or have not read the blog here are the links.
My surgery was not a result of careful planning to fix my chronic diverticulosis; more like a seven alarm fire, quick and necessary, to remove an angry colon waiting to explode.
Had to be done for quality of life and for survival. And it was.
I did not recover fully until May. I was unable to do my routine activities for a long time and when I resumed them I wanted to enact them in a new way. It was as if my brain was streamlined along with my colon. Everything I had done before I felt compelled to do differently. And I wanted many of my possessions to move on. Share the wealth. Pay it forward. Slogans. Mantra. Those I would keep would appear in new locations around the house. Whenever I looked around I would spot an item I no longer needed, connected with or knew why I had it. And some evoked a sad memory or a poignant experience. Others stayed because I smile when looking at them. A red leather bag I never use. It makes me happy to see it.
I began removing items. Clothes, books, glasses, mugs, vases, jewelry, decorations, paintings, accessories, shoes, electronics.... donating what was usable and putting the rest curbside. The Vets are thrilled with me. As are those who scavenge on garbage days. Sanit men are okay too. I tip well at Christmas.
There will be more Wednesdays.
Oh and readers, I am sure I did not dispatch any of your carefully selected gifts. If I remembered they were your carefully selected gifts..
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We had the rooms of house painted, the exterior and driveway powerwashed, the pavers freed of poking weeds ..Indoors, I put furniture, paintings, and housewares in new locations.
I brilloed everything even the floors. Brillo works on wood. I removed ground in dirt and lightened the wood color of my desk, tables, cabinets. I dismantled the fridge. The stove, Oh my, what lies beneath!
I love Brillo...after a glass or two of wine I can spot dirt no one else can see.
I have a hazmat cleaning outfit. I am currently in the basement. That's a challenge.
Readers, do you know you can brillo wooden floors?
To brillo
have brilloed
have had to brillo
a verb in our house
I have a Brillo pad either coming or going at all times
Our #everyFridaynight dinners went on hiatus last August. My illness and Crabtree's annual vacation dovetailed for a while and prevented the Friday Crabtree's dinners. They came back from vacation at the end of August; I came back November 11. When I returned we got our feet wet by doing lunch. I realized I liked lunching it. We now do lunch and dinner and switch it up. I don't check in on FB anymore either. It became an event in itself. I spent all night taking pictures and the next two days talking about it. I had created a job. I was a Crabtree's reporter and promoter. They do fine.
They do not need me. I am retired.
Health Club
I had been going in the early morning. Setting my iPhone alarm to wake me. My ring tone is a barking dog. Liam jumped when it went off. I did as well. Jarring. After my surgery I could not...wait...I would not get up to go early anymore. I am retired. I now go anytime I want. Freeing. The afternoon people welcomed me back. Occasionally I do go in the late morning to connect with the morning crowd. Not as early.
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Bathing suit
Had not worn one in 20 years. I bought two and wore them in Florida and on our June Bermuda cruise. Imagine, I had gone to Hawaii and not brought a suit. In my mind wearing a bathing suit was over for me. A person who loves the water! Got married on the beach. Swam laps for years. It is not over. I am back.
A hair treatment I stopped. Keeps one's hair smooth, coated and flat and straightish. Was good for 7 years. Expensive and time consuming and chemicals on the head.. It takes over one's life for a few days.
Done with it.
Note, I do not object to the chemicals or time required to do my highlights and lowlights. Oxymoronic thinking
Changed my wardrobe
Greater Good
Rent the Runway
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Broke up with Jacques. We had an ideal connection for 20 years. Done. Here are two pairs of my new style earrings. They are kinda heavy but I like to suffer a bit. I was raised a Catholic.
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and about
I have often been invited to visit long distance family and friends. I am now doing it. Went to Port St Lucie, Florida in March
Watch out readers, If you invite me I may show up!
Had to represent my colon life changes
Your story is not over: you can write it another way
first two photos
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And Celtic symbol of strength inspires me to keep going. Next two photos |

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I have published 313 plus stories in the last ten years. I like to write. I like to share. and I had it in my mind I had to adhere to a schedule. And promote LiamLicks every way possible especially on social media. Retweet other bloggers and #hashtag them to get them circulated. I no longer have any of the marketing desire. It left with my damaged colon. I like blogging for my friends, family and others who might happen upon the blog. I have had a lot to say, Now it takes a while to pull out my thoughts and assemble my photos..The blogger mobile app is defunct. The ease of spilling out my thoughts wherever I am is gone. Obstacles. It is okay.
I have 1300 plus Twitter followers. A few must be reading the blog. There will always be a LiamLicks.
Mine was contracting while others were expanding. I did not foresee this happening. I have had a network of friends from all areas and stages of my life. Paul and I did not reproduce. This closed off any expansion from us. And all over folks are multiplying and their clans are growing through marriages, births and remarriages. This is is a natural progression in life's stages. I love sharing in it. Thank you.
Cannot be stagnant and irrelevant. Or I will disappear. Which could happen as everyone moves on in their extended families.
What to do? Celebrate what we have...and we did...first party in 10 years...for our son Liam Joseph McNiff-Nikol who turned 10 on August 1st, 2017.
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We have a Carol McNiff Family Tree on Ancestry. I started with only a few leaves and branches. After I did the DNA test in 2014 it changed. Family appeared and reached out. With the help of my Ancestry cousins, the tree is flourishing. I have connected and reconnected with cousins. In person meetings have generated lasting friendships. This will be my way of expansion. They are family! And they are many in number. We have found one another and more will join in as DNA is tested.
Without our own kids there will be no branches emanating from us. But we have given life to babies long forgotten who lived only briefly on this earth. My great grandfather's 8 siblings, who died in infancy...few knew them...their stays on this earth counted by months. None of them made it to the USA. They were born and died in England; children of Irish born parents desperately trying to make a living. Through Ancestry we found a group buried in a Catholic cemetery in Sheffield, England. They all are now living on my tree. These babies were physically present only a tiny amount of time but now are immortalized and their names seen by many. As are their parents whose ancestors are mine as well. In a way, I am here because of them. And I will keep on researching and sharing and reaching out to find more info to honor their lives. And find the last unidentified baby. I have help. My cousins who contacted me and built their trees for me. My new family. By working on the tree I am establishing a legacy for the current and future generations. A nontraditional way of expanding.
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Liam and I attained new ages in August.
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We both thank you all for your birthday wishes.
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Woof Woof
You've accomplished much, as well as improved your life. Sorry it took surgery and a long recovery for this to happen.
ReplyDeleteThank You Izzy!
DeleteThe bad piece of the angry colon had to go. Maybe it was holding me back? Haha. Thanks for commenting. Much appreciated.
What a beautiful commentary on resilience and turning bad into good. We must live life to its fullest!!! So glad you had a rebirth ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou are and will remain my inspiration! Thank You ��