Here we go
Paul's 60th birthday is Thursday, May 24. He is off Thursday and Friday in observance of this milestone (note red highlights-first deviation, after this you are on your own) I do not say celebration because he does not feel celebratory about this particular birthday. He has been quoting my mother Ruthless "Sixty is old, nothing to be happy about" Thanks Mom-and you thought he did not listen to you. I do not remember this quote but I have no doubt it was said.
Thursday's yoga class is at 10:15 AM. However, this week is registration for the next session. We must be early to be ensured of a spot-I have the necessary items-a check and completed form. I plan to arrive before 10.
They are repaving our street. That means Paul's car will be behind mine in the driveway. Yes, we should change them. We do not.
I sleep in the den. At least that is the place I try to sleep. I have sleep issues. I read. I hope that at some point the herbs and drugs kick in and the restless leg thing calms. Tonight though my powerful reading lamp goes out. Then the secondary lamp goes out. What is this- a mini blackout in the den? Both lamps have unique bulbs and I have no replacements. They are guaranteed for life. Guess I have lived a long time. I take out my mini book lights clip one on each side of my book, I have a Kindle, iPad but the book I am reading is a real hard cover library book.
Paul stays up, he is off, no work, no worries about getting up. All lights on in living room, TV blasting...forget sleep...Liam on the couch...Paul nods off...I turn down the volume on the TV and turn off the lights. Does not work. Paul wakes up and all are back on full blast.
Morning comes. It always does.
With Paul off from work (I get up when he leaves) I have to be sure I get up in time. I do. The phone rings at 8:45 AM. I miss getting to the landline, chase down my cell-caller is NRAD- about recent mammo, more tests needed, a probable procedure. I make the necessary appointment that will cause re arranging my schedule-must do that after Yoga. Paul asks, "What's that call?" I explain. We remember-Paul has to move his car. I notice my phone in red-no charge. How? I usually charge it at night. -will use car charger for phone--trip only 4 minutes. Not much juice will be added. What to wear- weather has been showery but decide no slicker needed-forecast agrees. Have to go to lighting store, post office-have that ready, Have check ready. Hands full with packages, dead light bulbs for examples for store, long mental "to do list" What? a heavy downpour occurs just as I open the door to leave. I run to car-no time for jacket switch.. Not a thought of my yoga equipment.
All these red highlighted happenings have a cumulative effect.
I arrive in the parking lot to see my classmates lugging their mats. Oh no! I have nothing! I briefly consider using my jacket as a mat.
As I walk to my car, another classmate catches up to me. She says, "I noticed you did not have your mat and that you borrowed one. I do not have mine either." "Really? You too?" I recommend she keep her mat in her car. I feel generous passing along the wonderful advice I have been given. "Oh, but mine is in my car trunk" she says, "My car broke down this morning and was towed; I got a ride here, my mat is in the car trunk at the gas station."
I just shake my head. Sometimes you cannot win.
My mat, blanket, and pillow are now in the trunk. Hoping car stays healthy. Namaste
Liam and I were experimenting with a new look for LiamLicks. A new background, wider reading panel, color changes. Then I clicked "apply to blog" and had to keep going. A work in progress. Might be different next week. Stay with us. Comments are welcome as we play with layout and settings. I already miss my green.
Loved the piece, and the new look. 60 is not old by the way, unfortunately it's not young either.
DeleteThanks very much. I agree about 60.