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Larry King started it early in 2011. That is okay. He was ready and so were we. Oprah told us a full season before. Then Regis left in November. He also gave us time to adjust. These are folks who hosted shows and they will continue to work as themselves somewhere else. In Larry's place, we have Piers Morgan. I happen to like him. Anderson Cooper is in Oprah's time slot. I am nuts for him. Kelly Ripa is auditioning co-hosts. No one will play with her like Regis but the show will be okay. Kelly is adorable and game for anything.
Others did not choose to leave. They were abruptly given notice. Two iconic soaps-All My Children - AMC and One Life To Live -OLTL were forced to shut down with promise of an Internet afterlife. First AMC on Friday September 23, 2011. Two of its cast members promptly showed up on another Soap on another channel, and a third actor will join them soon. AMC was replaced by The Chew.
I have written about The Chew in our 11/10/11 blog story -see link if you want a refresher
I am finding though that as the months go on I miss my AMC family in Pine Valley. The Chew is not making me forget them. I did not watch consistently. I did not have to. I missed all the Kelly Ripa years yet in retirement managed to catch up. Since his adoption in 2008, Liam has been at home watching from his couch, first as a puppy, then a teenager. He will not have that pleasure in his senior years.
Last Friday January 13, 2012, it was farewell to OLTL- on for 43 years. I watched consistently while going to school in the early 70's. I stayed in touch intermittently over the years when off from work. In retirement, I caught it on the health club TV or at the nail salon or sometimes at home. However, Liam was assigned to all the shows. Channel 7 is on in our house (except if I am home and switch to Kathie Lee and Hoda) from nine o'clock in the morning. He watched OLTL every day. When Baby Liam McBain was born in 2011, Liam dog perked up when hearing his name from the TV. Here is a link if you want more info
How to describe it? A group of 5 hosts, all with a specialty, using words such as transformation, control. Sort of a slice of the full hour shows like The Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover, Project Runway, Doctor Oz, Dr Phil, and more. Called lifestyle reality genre. It seems every morning news show has a lifestyle segment also- The Revolution is an hour of those segments. All these shows are looking the same. Everyone is smiling and looking focused and dedicated to being the best person he/she can be by making and eating healthy meals, dressing thinner, Feng shui-ing homes, pursuing dreams and so on.
I am missing my murders, guns, and duplicitous behavior.
Channel 7 has taken away characters that did outrageous acts. OLTL featured murder (matricide recently), kidnapping, incest, lying, lots of faked DNA tests and multiple personalities, adultery, heaven, hell. Many current issues were dealt with by talented actors. They drank, always had a blazing fireplace, were in and out of jail, divorced, came back from the dead, and then died again. Who wants to watch exercise and diet segments when you can immerse yourself in such crazy drama? They were family.
This You Tube says it .
So sad. The promise of an afterlife on the Internet for both Soaps is dead. Only one life and it is over. The endings were filmed before the writers knew there was no more life for either show. The last shows that would have been enticing now just leave us confused, annoyed, cheated. The writers expected the plot lines to continue in an Internet format as did the actors.
Now what does a dog watch while his parents are out? Close his eyes
or take a nap
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