Thursday, August 25, 2011

Quacked while Tweeting during the Quake

Yes, we had an earthquake on the east coast.  No, I did not feel a thing. In case you were on vacay, read about it-
I was driving.  Seems if you were in a car, the motion of the car prevents quake motion.  At least that is what is being said. I tweeted at the first red light "earthquake here in NY" so I became part of the group of thousands of tweeters. I arrived at Starbucks late for my meeting with my friend but armed with a good excuse-earthquake. As I entered Starbucks, there was a crowd in the doorway. The quake had caused everyone to gather.  I  walked to where my friend was sitting.   She was engaged in a conversation with young woman who lived in Washington D.C. The woman was very concerned and upset.  We noticed a man nearby very immersed in his laptop.   I was told that he never looked up during the tremor. Odd.   Apparently it was quite noticeable in Starbucks. That was my first twinge of tremor envy, a term that NBC news anchor Shiba Russell coined later in the afternoon.!/Shiba4NY
I pulled out my IPAD and accessed Twitter to see what was happening. There were tweets from all the major news organizations and many individuals as well.   I left my IPAD open so we could update ourselves periodically.

It was not until much later that night that I noticed a strange message from one of the Twitter accounts I follow.  I ignored it.   Then about half past six on Wednesday all my followers got a few messages that I did not send.  I had been hacked. It had to have happened during the quake tweeting at Starbucks.  Like Shiba,  I also have coined an earthquake expression "I was quacked " (quake hacked)
I fixed it easily,thanks to a friend who alerted me early. The two following tweets are the work of my hacker.   I think the second is particularly hack witty. I deleted the links-they are bogus.  I am CBIZ on Twitter.

Carol McNiff

Carol McNiff

I know most of you did not get these, as you are not Tweeters.  Maybe you now have tweet envy.
I have decided my hacker is the Starbucks guy who was very disinterested in the quake.  I like to put a face on my hacker.  I do have 3G and will make sure I am not WIFI vulnerable again.
Dogs apparently sensed the quake before humans. Liam barked. How do I know?  He told me when I came home.  These dogs in Virginia barked also.

We know that the East coast has been made fun of for being so hyped up about the quake. Thing is-NYC and Wash DC are always thinking 9/11, especially in this month near the 10th anniversary. I know that is why hundreds of people ran out of their buildings downtown.
Conversely it is also why hundreds stayed put and did not get upset-

Next, Hurricane Irene.  Liam is on alert and I have to buy some wine and duct (duck) tape. Quack.
Woof, Woof


  1. I felt the quake on the beach. We spoke to someone who was driving and she didn't feel it at all. First an earthquake, then Irene, are these the modern "10 plagues"?


  2. Hi Izzy,

    Thanks for sharing your story. I want to believe that drivers could not feel the tremor. Tremor Envy is a new anxiety.

    Now Irene. I think of that Woody Allen line "Do you have plague?"

