Liam wearing pink for October Breast Cancer Awareness
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls now
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me
Three Dog Night
The event is the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.
The place is Jones Beach, Long Island, New York
The weather is grand for a walk-50's-60's.
You want it a bit chilly, and with some wind, otherwise it feels a bit claustrophobic with thousands moving together.
Last year we walked in a nor'easter, with threats of boardwalk flooding. I wore goggles and the only item not wet at the end was my blackberry which was safely sealed in a ziploc bag.
Not this year, it is a good walking day in NY.
We set out, six of us this time, a gain of two from last year. Immediately we are greeted by our NY Senator, Chuck Schumer

I like this as I am always hoping to be in Newsday or on CNN. I know Chuck wants the same fame.
The wind is pushing at us and my hair twirls around. I started with a middle part and now have three parts. Maybe it will braid itself. Hood up, hood down. Gloves on, gloves off. Sunglasses on.
A changeable weather day.
We reach the midway point which is the end of the boardwalk- a slatted, wooden fence. People use it to leave memorabilia, ACS badges, signs, photos, letters--a wall of honor and remembrance. Sort of a gathering place to catch up with faster walkers or just to pause and reflect. Today though, the huge crowds do not permit pausing too long. I have my mom's and my niece's photos and I post them
I have chosen a studio shot of a young Ruth-adventurous hopeful smiling confident Ruth.
And Liz also has a studio shot- projecting the same feelings. Gorgeous, loving life.
Their faces draw you in. Timeless. Photos decades apart, but together today.
I know they will make folks smile all morning.
We turn and start our trek to the finish. The wind is at our backs and the temperature rises about 10 degrees.
A fellow walker in our group points to a couple ahead- "There is my doctor." I follow her gaze, "that is my doctor also." "The woman?" " No, the man." We run up to them. I say "Are you my gynecologist?"
How funny to meet outside in the real world. I seldom see him in this way. He is walking, how lovely.
"Yes, I am your gynecologist," he verifies -we all smile and that's that.
The two doctors are in an intense conversation and we have interrupted it.
They turn back into it. We move on.
I have now met two famous people-Chuck Schumer and my gynecologist.
I am still holding out for Anderson Cooper

We near the finish and are cheered. Imagine that?
I am asked the question "Why are all these folks doing these walks?"
There are walks for many diseases, causes, groups.
Are we "walk" obsessed?
I know I walk to support my family and friends who are in the fight, have won the fight and in memory of those who have lost the fight.
Are walks important, necessary to raise money?
Donations can be made anytime. Thousands do not have to gather to walk to raise money.
Why walk?
I think that people walk to show solidarity, it is a visible coming together. Seeing healthy survivors is a boost and joy to all. Offers a promise and a hope for the future for those who may someday need it. Honors those gone.
These walks get attention. Make people think. Educate all.
In my mind I walk for all cancers. That is the Leo in me-grandiose ideas.
55, 000 people walked Sunday at Jones Beach and raised 2.8 million for the American Cancer Society's fight against Breast Cancer.
Liam was not allowed to walk. The sign indicates "No Pets."
A dog is used as the symbol of a pet.
The dog on the sign could have been a portrait of Liam
Despite being banned from the walk, Liam saved some treat money and his name shows up on my page honor roll under the L's-Liam McNiff-Nikol
He even tolerated wearing my pink scarf -a walk gift from a loyal LL reader
Ruth would have gotten a kick out of that.
Woof Woof
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