This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again
The Doors
The TV show LOST premiered in September 2004

The first episode was repeated the day before, Saturday, May 22 and Liam joined us in watching it.
Liam noticed something right away. The first scene has Jack opening his eye. What prompted Jack to do so? A yellow lab, named Vincent trotted by, licked Jack, waking him up.

Jack is a doctor and has a mission. People need fixing. Liam was barking with joy that the opening scene contained a canine friend. As we reviewed the episodes this week we found that Vincent the dog played a crucial role in helping, protecting and comforting the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 throughout all 6 seasons.
And who was in the very last scene with Jack? Vincent. Jack lay dying in the same bamboo field in which he has was licked awake by Vincent in the very first episode, Vincent came by to comfort him, licked his head and lay down beside him Jack and Vincent at the end.

So Vincent started it and finished it with Jack. He was there when Jack saw the plane leaving and he stayed 'til Jack closed his eye in death.
Vincent did not go to the sideways world. No need. He had nothing to atone for, all he ever did was help. He retired on the island with Rose and Bernard and lived a happy life there with them until he died a natural death.
He moved on. Liam knows that Vincent was united with the other survivors in that special memory that linked them for eternity and pulled them to each other. Being a Leo Dog he did fantasize about the role of a lifetime and imagined himself in Vincent's place in the last scene. There was a character named Liam, Charlie's brother, so Liam was represented at least in name. Jack and Liam-at the end

So hopeful, so spiritual, so profound-the thought that we are connected to certain people by our shared experience and the memory of this will bring us together at some point is so powerful
as Jack's Father said:
Well this is a place that you all made together so that you could find one another. The most important part of your life was the time that you spent with these people. That's why all of them are here. Nobody does it alone, Jack. you needed all of them and they all needed you."
and this article summarizes the meaning of LOST to a good friend for forwarding-could not have found it alone. Live together.
woof woof
The End
"we are connected to certain people by our shared experience and the memory of this will bring us together at some point".............
ReplyDeleteSo beautifully written. Reading this brought me to tears.........and only you know why.
ReplyDeleteI thought of you as I wrote it.
Although I never watched the show I was moved by this wonderful piece.
Hi Izzy
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I felt very emotional while writing it. I knew I had to put it out there.