Liam licks a latte
It seems I have a twin who goes to the same Starbucks as I do. I found this out when I entered My Starbucks, arrived at the ordering spot and heard my barrister mutter, "whoops, now we have two grande non-fat lattes. "He gestured to the woman in front of me and explained, "I thought she was you so I already put up your latte, thinking you were here." My twin turned around to face me. No, she does not look like me. Yes, there are similarities. We are the same build, have longish blond hair, same eyes, but no we are not twins by any means. I am sure she is thinking the same. I find myself saying "Oh , I am flattered." The childhood taunt echoes in my head "Liar Liar pants on fire." However, the taunt is from my own conscience because I do not wholeheartedly mean what I have just said.
My twin replies, "I am flattered also." Hmmmm. Really?
What though does this mean for the drinks we ordered? It means she has a non-fat latte because she is thought to be me. This would be fine if indeed that was "her" drink also, but it is not. She is a tall soy coffee no whip; I always want the whip, so I know we are very different. The young man responsible for the mix up says, " I am sorry, you are both blond and.......
twin and I recite in unison "all blonds look alike." No, we could not permit him to say this, better we blond twins say it and spare him the embarrassment.
We are now a team, allies, blond-haired women against blanket blond statements. Poor boy barrister -he has encountered the two wrong blond twins today.
He gets her drink, we part. I spy an empty table, unusual for this tiny, seat challenged Starbucks, claim it, with my labeled latte I spread out my Times, and realize although it is 45 degrees outside, the AC is on and I need my shawl. I leave my latte and paper and jacket to mark my place and run to my Sassy Saturn parked a few cars away in the parking lot. Well right next to my Saturn, is my blond twin in her car, yes, her car is also a Saturn, and she is talking about me on her cell to someone. I hear "yes, they made her drink for me" I stop her and say "Guess what? I have a Saturn also, we really are twins." I point to the car next to hers. OMG. Amazing.
Next day I return, no twin. My drink is made before I even get to the counter. I get it, pay, don't stay, no seats available today.
But I return within 15 minutes. I had sat in my back yard, put my latte on the flat arm of the Adirondack chair, leaping Liam got my latte and slurped it up.
Back at Starbucks, I get my Liam-licked replacement latte for free. Nice barrister. Making up for the blond remarks?
Liam pre latte looking at birds
woof woof
Where are the photos of Liam bouncing off the walls after the caffeine kicked in?
ReplyDeleteHe did not get much besides the foam as the hungry lawn sucked up most of it thank goodness.
Wow, very funny. Reminds me of when we finish the cottage cheese and Cassie licks out the tub and has white stuff on her snout and whiskers.
ReplyDeleteHey Judy
ReplyDeleteHis head fits the cup perfectly. He gets so angry if I do not drink it fast enough as he patiently waits for his foam.
it is funny when they get the white stuff on their snouts.