Last July I had a "Lost" experience on the way to meet friends for a NYC Restaurant Week lunch. I was not as "Lost"
I had learned from that trip that Broadway is a trickster, it hypotenuses Manhattan, creating a diversionary Square/Park/Circle whenever it angles across an avenue just to delight and confuse you, and sets you off in another direction.
I had also believed back in July that there were no directions for walkers. I have since learned that there are. Google has them. Therefore, I was fine. My destination SD26 , lunch meeting at a newly opened highly anticipated restaurant. I arrived at Penn without adventure (unusual for me) and set out on my walking journey. It was New York winter cold, sudden whipping winds at the corners, heat blasts from stores as doors opened; colder than it should have felt because the tall buildings block the sun and the shadows
I had my Google map and this time, Broadway and I were going to stick together no matter what park we crossed. I got through Greeley Square at 34th, Broadway tried to lose me, as I traversed the square, I refused to be confused, finding Broadway again at the far end of the park. I continued on, turned before Madison Square Park, almost lured by the oasis, but resisting another Broadway "Square" trick. I did not enter the park, but turned the proper left. ( to the right my map, my head shows my walk and two green balloons show the start -A-and the finish B-).

And there it was. SD26, the next photo is my view looking in; the glass captures in its reflection the grandeur of the surrounding tall buildings and creates a tableau all its own.
I am not lost or last this time.
Thought I was first, but seems Liam is waiting, do not understand how he got in-the dress code is causal elegant-guess he walked under a patron
wine bar area preceding restaurant, Liam at the right of the pic

Our meal was 3 courses and 3 picks allowed from each course, I'll show a few we enjoyed
bean soup- farro and bolotti bean soup
wild bass acquapazza zucchini, fregota sarda, diced tomatoes
assorted sorbets
and moka bar
I especially enjoyed playing with "kindle like" wine list,
We lingered, and as the lunch crowd emptied, we realized it was time to go.
Liam had fallen asleep after enjoying some Chianti Classico at the eclectic wine bar
see the little guy laid out in the right corner, look close

Thanks to our organizer, James

Speaking of hearts and preventing them from being broken-keep hearts healthy!
Liam loves women
Tip from Liam, Valentine's Day hearts work well for this day, pin them on yourself and others, what fun!
Woof, Woof
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