Food Network is gone for now from three million homes. There is still the Bravo Network and that is where the very popular Top Chef show resides.
Through the foresight of a dear friend who ordered the tix, I was on my way to see some stars of Top Chef, courtesy of the NY Times Arts and Leisure week- perfect way to jump start the new year.
Our discussion was for Saturday January 9, 2010 at 2:00-3:15 PM. There were a series of discussions/interviews going on all day long. It was a frigid day in Manhattan, the 9th in a series of brutally cold days of 2010; however despite the cold, people were out displaying their booklets,
As I hurried down 7th Avnue to meet my friend, two folks walking briskly bundled against the cold, booklets in hand hurried passed me. I warmed to them just because they were doing the same activity I was; their exchange pierced the cold air:
Woman: What the F_ _ _ ! She was such a bad f_ _ _ _ _n bad interviewer. F_ _ _ _ _n terrible discussion.
Man: You are so F_ _ _ _ _n right
OMG. Such passion, such heat, such vulgarity and crudeness. Hope my audience members are not going to be like this.
I meet my friend and we are waved to the very first row by work colleagues who spotted our notable heads. And there we were in the first row. A dream.
We found out some neat behind the scene stuff.
During one judging session, Tom Collichio held a gin and tonic between his legs

Scenes are edited to make us think a certain way.
All contestants' calls are recorded and screened lest a relative whisper a souffle recipe over the phone.
The judges have no contact with the contestants.
They do really dislike some contestants.
If you admit you screwed up, they respect you more as a chef and you might survive another day over a cocky clueless know it all..
Judges must be unanimous in their choice, they will stay all night until they reach consensus.
They have never regretted a final decision.
Each challenge is unique unto itself. Like starting all over each time. So why so many tests? Just pick one winner one time. I guess if you keep surviving until the end, then you are a Top Chef, since on each particular previous day someone was worse than you.
They want and need more women to make it to the top four, Yay Jennifer, season 6, Top four, Go girl.
Padma- a dramatic funny earthy Diva. Laugh out loud funny, not like the statue she portrays on the show. Very pregnant,
Gail- tiny, petite, passionate, smart
Eric Ripert, Chef at Le Bernardin- French-could not understand anything he said even with my hearing aids turned up. The audience loved him, it was me, not him.
Frank Bruni- Charming, smart, witty and low key-my hero-a New York Times food critic who has multiple eating disorders. Read his Memoir, out now "Born Round"
Back at home in New Hyde Park that same day
Paul has a chop
Liam watches football with Daddy Paul

Liam plays
Liam enjoys a Top Chef meal of lamb and brown rice
That was Saturday.The world changed since then, and now we are all watching the horrific images of Haiti.
I would like to share a message I received from a friend.
Hello my old friend Carol,
I am very uncomfortable doing this, but I thought that you have mastered the communication network
I have volunteered as an RN for the Red Cross - for 9/11, Southern hurricanes, Hurricane Katrina/Rita , locally all year round.
There is a simple and easy way for all to quickly donate $10.00 to the Red Cross/Haiti - use your cell phone, text: HAITI and enter 90999. Will be charged to your cell phone.
Can you please help me to distribute this information?
You are so good at this!!
My mom's neighbors in Hollis are all from Haiti. They speak in French to my daughter whenever we are back there. My heart is broken for them and for their country.
Love and thanks,
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