Hi all, this is Liam writing today. Every now and then my parents let me author a piece, which of course is only right as the blog bears my name. Many of you now are very familiar with how I came to live in New Hyde Park with my parents, Carol and Paul. I will refresh your memories as I think it has some relativity to my story.
I was adopted on New Year's Day, January 1, 2008 from North Shore Animal League. I was to be a retirement gift to my Mommy, Carol, from herself. How Leo of her, to gift herself! I understand, as I am a Leo also, born August 1, 2007. I knew my parents had no kids at home as they answered "no" to that question at the interview. If we three were a match, I would be going home to a two story house with a yard, doggie neighbors, Rosie and Shady, and a retired Mom and working Dad. Life was looking good after a scary start in Tennessee, my birthplace.
We were a match and the three of us went home, to bond, to play

When we arrived home I was shown my crate, better than the one at NSAL. I was to use this little house -( my 1st night 1/01/08)
Then I heard these noises. My genes kicked in and I had the urge to chase. Seems that I was not going to be the only child, there were already five brothers and sisters in residence. These chirping, babbling, twittering, loving sounds were erupting from the den and out of the throats of five colorful creatures.
What, I have to share my parents!
I made secret plans to unlatch their cage and set them free.
I was introduced; it was all I could do to control my urge to leap and paw at them

I was called little lab by folks and the vet. I was not getting taller, I was getting longer. Curiosity over my looks and growth patterns -horizontal instead of vertical-resulted in DNA testing which brought back a surprise- I was four dogs in one, neither a lab nor basset hound- 4 equal parts-2 big dogs, Irish setter/ dalmatian, and 2 small dogs, beagle/ dachshund.
My face got longer (Irish setter) , so my ears no longer look floppy ( Basset look begone) and my body elongated (dachshund). If I stand all on fours I am still a puppy size. But I can leap very high (dalmatian) and when standing on my hind legs I am very tall. My parents think it is funny to call me "sausage dog" invoking my 1/4 Doxie heritage
Liam at 6 months

Now I am just a few months away from my 2nd adoption anniversary. While out on walks I notice the birds outside are very neutral in color compared to my sibling keets. I chase the wild birds. I am not sure what I would do if I caught one.
My parents fear that I will try to eat the keets

I know to act as if I do not care about them. But I do. I want to play with my brothers and sisters. They have more toys than I do and seem to love looking in mirrors. It might be fun to carry them around or take them for rides on my back. I do jump at them, and last week actually pulled Kelly's tail. They run to the top perch when I stretch to reach them. The only window of opportunity is on Sunday when they are briefly on the floor for cage cleaning.
They dart about and are too quick for even a playful lick.
Several times this summer another relative was here. This one has a "K" name, but is not a "keet." Her name is Kiera, and she seems to be Mommy's grandniece, making me what? A cousin? I think I am more senior than she-she sits in a swing, a carriage or a car seat. No fun. A prisoner, not free like me. I am discouraged from licking her also.
I also have met the newbies. They are not pups; fully grown but younger than my parents.
I have adjusted to the keets, they do not come out, they have their own house. I have not given up the idea of playing with them.
Life is good. I am really the only child. The house is mine. I can sit anywhere
and I have a pack who reads about me each week in my blog, LiamLicks. Here are some fun pix of me enjoying my life.
Woof woof
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