If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound? a famous philosophical riddle.
A mighty oak crashed on our block on the last day of June, 2009.
We live in the area of New Hyde Park known as "The Oaks." This oak was so tall that it made it across the street to the opposite neighbor's door

All who were present on the block described it as a huge explosive thud, earthquakish in its vibration.
I did not hear a sound.
If tree falls in New Hyde Park, and one of the residents does not hear it, it still makes a sound.
The time of the tree crashing was about 3PM. At that point all electricity was lost, no phone, cable/no TV, Internet.
I have a blackberry

Only our block was affected; so we could go somewhere.
It was summer , we would not freeze inside homes.
Most TV shows were repeats; we were not missing a new episode of House, Lost, Survivor.
There was daylight until 8:45 or so
There was no TV and there are shows to watch (some are both positive and negative)
No Internet
No microwave
No stove
No lights
No Fan
Timeline of Events
last six months- termites

2:58 PM, June 30, 2009 Termites finish their work, tree starts to crack towards the street.
3:PM Tree smashes into street causing huge explosive noise plus tremendous vibrations (so I am told)
3:20 PM start hanging with the neighbors
3:45 PM police evacuate 5 families; there are live wires

4:00 PM -Stump, the Firefighter
5:00-6:00PM - I meet neighbors I have never met- a lovely Irish family, Gizmo's Mom, (that is Liam's dog friend in back) A nice cop. I now have a fix on where folks live. Only 20 years since I moved in. About time.I find out there is a 92 year old woman on our block where, what house?
6:PM Paul comes home. Those arriving after crash must park on Leonard Blvd, the street bordering ours- as Baxter Avenue is barricaded by police on both ends. We are free to leave only on foot. We can call people to pick us up but must walk to a location away from our street. Much alarm about live wires, fire potential, crime, burglary, acts of mayhem.
7:PM Paul suggests we go out to eat. This is what others are doing. I know though, that it will be like an afternoon wedding reception for me. A few hours of fun , then nothing.
Paul then suggests we pretend we are on the reality show Survivor

7:30 PM We mercifully have some wine we can guzzle and I am permitted to light some candles. Paul is terrified of live candles -I have some flame less ones and flashlights.
Paul is fine with all this lack of connection to the world. He should have lived in the Flintstone Era

Who is this sudden boy scout?
My only revenge is to light more candles, but that gives me little joy. We have a "dead" house- no communication.
7:55 PM massive thunderstorm

8:00-10:00PM. we sit at the kitchen counter with two candles, cereal, turkey, saltines, peanut butter, candle, wine
11:30PM - We finish the wine, Paul announces time for bed. Well I cannot sleep, ever, so I bid him farewell

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 We leave the "hood" and visit the High Line
Cable is back when we return late Wednesday. so now we have, TV Internet. No land line. Verizon works for four days-still no service by Saturday, July 4th
Monday, July 6, , two neighbors hire tree cutters to cut down their oaks

I am upstairs and hear my neighbor 2 houses away scold the tree cutters "you are late, it is 8:20, you were scheduled for 8." I marvel at her chutzpa as these men have sophisticated axes and saws attached to trucks with giant churning machines. She could be mincemeat in no time

I have been out in the street a lot during this tree falling event. Prior to my retirement things occurred and I never knew. Now I pop out immediately. Paul has dubbed me the Desperate Housewife of New Hyde Park.
What kind of hearing do I have? I did not hear a tree crash that neighbors attest felt like an earthquake and sounded like an explosion.
A few days later, I did hear my female neighbor's voice asking a question on the opposite side of the block in a conversational tone.
Is this dog hearing?
Where are all those neighbors who were in the street that afternoon and evening. never saw most again. The easy camaraderie of that night has receded until the next event.
How many oaks must be on the block for us to still be the Oaks

On Sunday night June 28, 2009, an 18 -wheeler pulled up and deposited a car in front of my house, it had Texas plates. This car had travelled from Texas
How terrible would it have been to have been squished by an oak? Spared by one day. see same spot next day-only emergency vehicles

Not one car was parked on either side under the tree.
No one was walking by when the tree fell.
no kids, no dogs were smashed.
a rainbow and peace.

Liam is on guard for the next crash
He has to be

Woof, woof
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