I bought my first house at age 39. I got my first dog at age 57. I took my first Yoga class at age 58. Ruthless classifies me as a late bloomer. I never liked to say that about anyone as it rather implies doing things in reverse or being out of step with the rest of the world. Why would anyone want to be termed a late bloomer?
Definition of late bloomer: "Term used metaphorically to describe a child or adolescent who develops more slowly than others in their age group, (certainly not me), but eventually catches up and in some cases overtakes their peers, (okay, sounding better), or an adult whose talent or genius in a particular field only appears later in life ( now we are talking) than is normal-in some cases only in old age.- (turned bad at the end) ----from wikipedia.
My father learned to drive at 53 and my parents bought their first house in their 60's. Maybe it is hereditary.
Anyway it is done-my first Yoga class.
My class is at the Hillside Library

who is my friend on Facebook, Yes, I am friends with a Library. My course is entitled "chair yoga." The session is from 10:15-11:30 AM Thursdays and that suits me as I do not want to be with working people. They need the night classes.
The required materials were a mat, towel, blanket and pillow (optional)

I could find the last three around the house but had to purchase a mat. Seemed the most common color was royal blue. No, mine must be green. I found it online. The thickness seemed to matter so I got the medium thickness. I gathered the other items, worrying that everyone might have an official yoga blanket, yoga towel, yoga pillow. I would not. I did not unfurl my mat at home as I wanted to do that in the class, so it would be perfectly rolled until its debut.
I was up early this morning, very apprehensive but determined to go. As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a woman with a bag, mat sticking out and a pillow. The other cars were pulling in. Mostly older women, a few young women, two mature men.
I climbed the stairs to the second floor. The instructor greeted all of us personally and seemed like the ideal Yoga person- calm, loving, lithe. Many people knew each other and were chatting; others seemed to want to be by themselves. All the chairs were against the walls and people were unrolling their mats. I let mine loose and it was VERY long

Sort of like the green mat on the Fidelity "turn here" commercials. New girl, with big mat. Yikes. I sat on my chair wondering if I should put in my hearing aids

I would not have the visual aid of reading lips as the instructor wanted us to trust and keep our eyes closed. I put the left hearing aid in. A compromise. Just as I did two women to my right introduced themselves as Angela and Georgia, Was sure about Angela, but Georgia? I figured I would know eventually. Picked the wrong ear to load up with my hearing aid. Georgia whispered that the woman to my left falls asleep at the end-the last 15 minutes being just breathing and lying on one's back.
Could this be my sleep remedy?Our instructor told us she would lead us, just listen; keep our eyes closed. She asked that we think of one word -this would be a word we would repeat in our heads as a mantra; she offered some examples: dream, hope, peace, clouds

She added that we should try to see ourselves smiling, happy and carefree. The only word I could think of was "Liam" and instead of me happy and carefree, I had a visual of Liam happy and carefree

not me Oh well. My secret. There were flameless candles encircling the instructor. Our room became dark.

We began. The emphasis was on breathing

accompanied with arm motions. I can twist myself into almost any position, but the twisting skill would not be needed in this class. What was needed was a mind that followed directions with no visuals as our eyes were to remain closed. I remembered why I could not be cheerleader in HS. If the instruction is "lean left, I lean right. Same reason I could not do the canine behavior commands. I had to peek to see where everyone was; try not to get caught with my one eye open. At one point I saw the entire class leaning to the left and I was to the right.
But if they were following the teacher's instructions they would not know I was off since they should have had their eyes closed. I was outstanding in the Lion grunt, better than the Williams sisters but not as loud as Monica Seles.
We arrived at the last 15 minutes and were asked to lie down

and cover ourselves with our blankets. The music was peaceful. The instructor's tone soothing. Then I heard it. Faint at first. Nevertheless, unmistakable. Snoring. It got louder. Of course, the snorer was on my left (as predicted by Georgia). My left hearing aid enhanced her sounds. They were deep, REM like sleep noises. So much for peace and quiet.
The end of the class was signaled by ringing of chimes. Sweet.
Snorer had to be shaken awake. How wonderful to be able to sleep so deeply, so quickly!
My first Yoga class was over. I liked it. The emphasis was where I needed it, breathing and spirituality. Better than a glass of shiraz.
Liam waited for a report. He told me of Doga. We could go together maybe, he implored with his brown eyes

Liam watches CNN while I am out, so he is up on all the latest trends. Yes, You guessed it Doga is when you bring your dog to Yoga and you and dog do Yoga; hence doga see Liam dreaming himself in Doga class lower right on green mat
from photo from Seattle Humane societyQuestions:
Is Georgia really Georgia? or did I hear that because that is the state where my best friend resides? Will I be able to sleep in the class? Will I ever be able to sleep anywhere? Will I figure out what to do with the towel? Will I be able to close my eyes and not fear I am doing the opposite position of the the rest of the class? How often did I misuse the verb - lay, lie, lying ? Never used lain.
Am I really a late bloomer or just the product of 16 years of Catholic schooling? 

The light within me

honors the light within you

woof woof
I really like that picture of the yoga class with the dogs - especially the one just laying down!! Great read as usual
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading. I had fun with it.