This year we have had many promotions at my former place of work, the Social Security Administration, which would be Paul's current employer. I said on more than one occasion when asked about a promotee - He/she works like a dog
No, not the working group for Liam.
There are some working dogs

Other "dog" sayings are barking and howling in my head:
a hair of the dog that bit you

I did get it after my first hangover in the Hamptons. Still, I did not know where the hair of the dog expression" came from. Knew where the hangover came from

"Almost invariably associated with the consumption of alcohol, this goes back to the belief that the hair of a dog that bites someone could be used as an antidote against the bad effects of the bite. By extension, another drink or two

Top Dog/underdog I have been both. I believe Liam has only been one. Seems that sawing logs was often done in a pit with one man in the pit and the other above it, both working the saw. The one above was known as the "top dog" and the other as the bottom dog "underdog."
You can't teach an old dog new tricks could be one who refuses to learn something new, or as in Liam's case; an implication that the person/dog already knows more about the subject than the teacher
Dog Days Hottest most sultry days of summer;
not so.
Really from the Dog Star, Sirius, brightest star in the heavens besides the sun and believed to cause the sultry summer weather. Obviously the Dog Star is not a working dog this month.
That Dog won't hunt I had never heard this until Bill Clinton said it

Every dog has its day
I hope so.
I have to go see a Man/Woman about a dog
idiom, meaning taking one's leave, Bye see you next time

woof, woof
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